ideološka in psihološka vloga pravljic


V magistrski nalogi se ukvarjam z ideološkimi in psihološkimi učinki pravljic na otroke. Skozi pregled razvoja sociološke funkcije pravljice odstiram pogled na načrtno spreminjanje žanra za potrebe družbene klime v danem zgodovinskem obdobju. Vzporedno raziskujem definicije ljubezni in začetke literarnega pisanja o ljubezni in pojma (ljubezen in pravljico) povežem v hipotezi o socializiranju otrok v družbeno sprejemljive, oziroma zaželene podobe ljubezni. Teoretični pregled literature služi kot sprehod tako skozi zgodovino ljubezni kot pravljice, v njem pa iščem njune odtise tako v strokovnih besedilih kot v tradicionalni in popularni kulturi. Hkrati sem ves čas pozoren na prevladujoči družbeni diskurz na temo otrok v danem obdobju. Delo se opira na ključne avtorje kot so Sigmund Freud, Jack Zipes, Bruno Bettelheim, Terry Jones, Anthony Giddnes, Michel Foucault, Nicholas Sammond, Thomas Scheff in drugi. V praktični analizi s konkretno primerjavo enakih pravljic iz različnih časovnih obdobij pokažem, da je vloga ljubezni v pravljicah sistematično naraščala.


pravljica;otrok;ljubezen;katarza;ideologija;zgodovina;Pravljice;Otroci;Psihološki vidik;Zgodovinski vidik;Magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [M. Polajnar]
UDC: 82-343:159.9-053.4(043.2)
COBISS: 36780035 Link will open in a new window
Views: 371
Downloads: 100
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Child and Fairy tale: the ideological and psychological role of fairy tales
Secondary abstract: In my master's thesis I discuss the ideological and psychological effects of fairy tales on children. Through an overview of the development of the sociological function of the fairy tale, I reveal a planned change of the genre for the needs of the social climate in a given historical period. In addition, I explore the definitions of love and the origins of literary writing about love. The concepts of love and fairy tales are later linked in the hypothesis that discusess socializing children into socially acceptable or desirable images of love. A theoretical review of the literature provides an insight into both the history of love as well as fairy tales, and serves as a looking glass for their imprints both in professional texts and in traditional and popular culture. Simultaneously, I am constantly paying attention to the prevailing social discourse on the topic of children in a given period. The work draws from key authors such as Sigmund Freud, Jack Zipes, Bruno Bettelheim, Terry Jones, Anthony Giddens, Michel Foucault, Nicholas Sammond, Thomas Scheff and others. With the help of a factual comparison of identical fairy tales from different time periods, I reveal that the role of love in fairy tales has been systematically increasing.
Secondary keywords: fairy tale;child;love;catharsis;ideology;history;Fairy tales;Children;Psychological aspects;Historical aspects;Master's theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 72 str.
ID: 12091633
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