doktorsko delo
Elvis Hozdić (Author), Peter Butala (Mentor)


Predstavljena doktorska disertacija obravnava snovanje in strukturiranje novih konceptov in modelov proizvodnih sistemov. Disertacija temelji na naslednjih hipotezah: 1) da bo razvoj koncepta in modela kibernetsko-fizičnih proizvodnih sistemov omogočal realizacijo učinkovitejših in bolj odzivnih mrežnih proizvodnih sistemov in 2) da bo na osnovi razvitega koncepta in modela mogoče modeliranje, upravljanje in krmljenje naprednih, kibernetsko-fizičnih proizvodnih sistemov v realnem času. Predlagani so novi koncepti proizvodnih sistemov, ki temeljijo na prestrukturiranju organizacijskih in sistemskih proizvodnih struktur na različnih nivojih. Prav tako so definirane medsebojne interakcije elementov takšnih sistemov, prek katerih je omogočen hitrejši in učinkovitejši dostop do informacij. Pravočasna izmenjava informacij omogoča upravljanje in krmiljenje novih, naprednih proizvodnih sistemov, kot so kibernetsko-fizični proizvodni sistemi v realnem času. Razširjen je ontološki modelirni okvir za modeliranje naprednih proizvodnih sistemov in njihovih elementov ter njegova aplikacija v domeno kibernetskega pristopa k upravljanju, vodenju in krmiljenju proizvodnje v naprednih proizvodnih sistemih, kot so kibernetsko-fizični proizvodni sistemi. Uvedena je nova funkcija samoorganizacije na nivoju elementarnega delovnega sistema in prikazani so eksperimentalni rezultati uporabe kibernetskega pristopa k upravljanju, vodenju in krmiljenju proizvodnje s simulacijo na realnih industrijskih podatkih.


industrija 4.0;kibernetsko-fizični sistemi;kibernetsko-fizični proizvodni sistemi;planiranje proizvodnje;krmiljenje proizvodnje;agenti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UL FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [E. Hozdić]
UDC: 004.8:004.451.62:658.5(043.3)
COBISS: 34382851 Link will open in a new window
Views: 505
Downloads: 189
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Model of Cyber-Physical Manufacturing Systems
Secondary abstract: The presented doctoral dissertation deals with conception and structuring of new concepts and models of manufacturing systems. The dissertation is based on two hypotheses: 1) that the development of the concept and model of cyber-physical manufacturing systems will enable realization of more efficient and responsive network production systems, and 2) that based on the developed concept and model, it will be possible to model, manage and control advanced, cyber-physical manufacturing systems in real time. New concepts of manufacturing systems are proposed, based on restructuring of organizational and system manufacturing structures at different levels, as well as defining reciprocal interactions of the elements of such systems, through which faster and more efficient access to information is enabled. Timely exchange of information enables a management and control of new, advanced manufacturing systems, such as cyber-physical manufacturing systems, in real time. An ontological modelling framework for modelling advanced manufacturing systems and their elements has been expanded and its application in the domain of cyber approach to the operation, management, control and monitoring of production in advanced manufacturing systems, such as cyber-physical manufacturing systems. A new function of self-organization at the level of the elementary work system is introduced, and experimental results of the use of a cybernated approach to the operation, management and control of production are presented, through a simulation used on real industrial data.
Secondary keywords: dissertations;manufacturing system;industry 4.0;cyber-physical system;cyber-physical manufacturing system;production planning and control;agent;Proizvodni sistemi;Disertacije;Krmiljenje;
Type (COBISS): Doctoral dissertation
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za strojništvo
Pages: XXXII, 152 str., [18] str. pril.
ID: 12098897