magistrsko delo
Andi Kšela (Author), Edvard Protner (Mentor)


Šola predstavlja pomemben člen v življenju vsakega posameznika. Kaj pa pravzaprav je šola? Kakšno nalogo ima šola? Kaj je njen cilj? V Slovarju slovenskega knjižnega jezika je šola definirana kot ''vzgojno-izobraževalna ustanova, ki omogoča učencem organizirano, sistematično pridobivanje znanja, spretnosti.'' Današnji otroci šolo pogosto doživljajo le kot nujno zlo, da lahko nekega dne kaj dosežejo. Njihovo navdušenje za delo upočasnjujejo ocene in prepiri z nezadovoljnimi starši in učitelji. Temu med drugim sledijo nevrotične motnje in strah pred šolo. Zaradi tega se vse več staršev sprašuje, kakšne alternative javni državni šoli obstajajo. Obstajajo številne alternative, ki v nasprotju z državno šolo predstavljajo in izvajajo druge vzgojne strukture in koncepte. Na prehodu v 20. stoletje so se pojavile težnje po reformi v šolstvu. Ta gibanja so se imenovala šolska reformna gibanja, ki so kritizirala pretirano intelektualizacijo ter prisilo. Njihov cilj je približanje šole otrokovim interesom, razvojnim značilnostim in tako humanizirati šolo, da bi postala učinkovitejša. Reformska pedagogika ni enotno gibanje, saj se deli na različne tokove. V Nemčiji se je razvilo tako imenovano ''Landschulbewegung'' oziroma dobesedni prevod bi se glasil ''gibanje podeželskih šol''. Pionir tega gibanja in tako imenovani ''oče podeželskih vzgojnih domov'' je bil Hermann Lietza, ki se le redko omenja v Sloveniji. Zaradi tega je smiselno raziskovati enega izmed vodilnih reformnih pedagogov našega časa. Magistrsko delo se osredotoča na alternativne šole reformske pedagogike, tako imenovane ''Landerziehungsheime'' oziroma podeželske vzgojne domove, katerih ustanovitelj je Hermann Lietz, njihov nastanek, zgodovinsko ozadje, pomen in vpliv ter druge oblike ''internatskih šol'' po Evropi. V delu je uporabljena metoda zgodovinskega raziskovanja, navajanja, opisovanja in vzročnega razlaganja. V izdelavo so vključeni knjižni in spletni viri. Velik delež virov je spletnih in v nemškem jeziku. Tradicionalne šole reformske pedagogike so odraz reformsko pedagoških konceptov in temeljijo na pedagoških idejah njihovih ustanoviteljev. Šole Hermanna Lietza, Paula Geheeba, Marie Montessori, Rudolfa Steinerja, Celestina Freineta, A. C. Neilla so pomembni členi mednarodnega reformskega gibanja in delujejo še danes. Lietzove šole danes niso več v tolikšni meri asketsko naravnane, kot so bile v preteklosti, pristop vzgojno-izobraževalnega procesa je bolj prilagojen sodobnem času. Te ustanove niso več popolnoma enake, kot so bile nekoč, toda ohranjene so v nekoliko spremenjeni obliki in delujejo še danes. Še zmeraj so usmerjene v celostni razvoj in vseživljenjsko učenje, ohranja se princip učenja z glavo, srcem in roko. Te ustanove danes predstavljajo kakovostno alternativo javnim šolam, to so domovi učenja, ki ponujajo varnost, hkrati spodbujajo voljo do uspeha in se soočajo s spremembami in z izzivi sodobnega časa.


magistrska dela;reformska pedagogika;podeželski vzgojni domovi;Herman Lietz;internatske šole;alternativna šola;Lietz;Herman;1868-1919;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [A. Kšela]
UDC: 37.018.32:929Lietz H.(043.2)
COBISS: 44160003 Link will open in a new window
Views: 451
Downloads: 46
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂAlternative pedagogical model of Hermann Lietz then and now
Secondary abstract: School represents an important part of every individual's life. What is school? What is the purpose of school? What is its goal? The dictionary of Slovene standard language defines a school as an "educational institution which enables students to acquire knowledge and different skills in an organized, systematic manner". The children of today often perceive school only as a necessary evil which helps them someday to achieve something. Their enthusiasm is slowed down by marks and conflicts with unsatisfied parents and teachers as well. These are sometimes followed by neurotic disorders and fear of school itself. Because of this, more and more parents are asking themselves if there are alternatives to public state schools. There are many alternatives which in contrast to a state school present and implement other educational structures and concepts. At the verge of the 20th-century aspirations have arisen after a reform in education. These movements were called school reform movements which criticized excessive intellectualization as well as coercion. Their goal was to bring school nearer to the children's interests, developmental characteristics and so to humanise school to make school more effective. Reform pedagogy is not considered to be a uniform movement since it is constitutes of different currents. In Germany, the so-called "Landschulbewegung" was developed or as the direct translation would call it "the movement of rural schools". The pioneer of this movement and so-called "father of rural boarding homes" was Hermann Lietz who is rarely mentioned in Slovenia. Hence it was meaningful to research one of the leading reform pedagogues of our time. This paper will focus on alternative schools of reform pedagogy, the so-called "Landerziehungsheime" or country boarding schools, which were founded by Hermann Lietz, their origins, historical background, importance and influence as well as other forms of "boarding schools" across Europe. In this paper the methods of historical research, citations, descriptions and casual explanations were used. In the making of this paper literary and online sources were included. A large proportion of sources are online and in German. Traditional schools of reform pedagogy are a reflection of reform-pedagogical concepts and are based on pedagogical ideas of their founders. The schools of Hermann Lietz, Paul Geheeb, Marie Montessori, Rudolf Steiner, Celestina Freineta, A. C. Neilla are important parts of the international reform movement and are still working today. Lietz's schools are nowadays not as ascetically oriented as they were in the past since their educational process is adapted to modern times. These institutions are not entirely the same as once, but are still preserved in modified forms and are still working today. They are still oriented into integrated development and life-long learning, the principle of learning with the head, heart and hands is still being kept. These institutions today represent a qualitative alternative to public schools, these are learning centres which offer security, but at the same time are encouraging the will to succeed and they are also coping with the changes and the challenges of modern times.
Secondary keywords: master theses;reform pedagogy;country boarding schools;Herman Lietz;Boarding schools;alternative school;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za pedagogiko
Pages: VII f., 64 str.
ID: 12104780