magistrsko delo
Maja Kuralt (Author), Branko Lobnikar (Mentor), Anže Mihelič (Co-mentor)


Uvedba novih tehnologij, natančneje nosljivih kamer v policiji, je zelo aktualna tematika, saj je pričakovati, da je njena uvedba le vprašanje časa. Razvoj tehnologije, ki omogoča natančnejše beleženje dogodkov ob sočasnem zmanjšanju administrativnih ovir, lahko na eni strani razbremeni delo policistov, vendar ga z drugega zornega kota lahko tudi oteži. V tuji praksi, kjer nosljive kamere že uporabljajo, zasledimo številne pozitivne izkušnje, tako na strani policije kot na strani skupnosti. V nalogi smo najprej predstavili ugotovitve raziskav iz tujih držav, kjer so nosljive kamere že v uporabi. Dejstvo je, da imajo policisti v Sloveniji že na razpolago nekaj nosljivih kamer, ki jih lahko uporabljajo prostovoljno. V magistrski nalogi smo želeli dobiti odgovor na vprašanje, kakšen je odnos policistov do uporabe nosljivih kamer ter na podlagi raziskave na vzorcu policistov analizirati, kako policisti zaznavajo uvedbo nosljivih kamer v njihovo vsakdanje delo. Želeli smo izvedeti, ali imajo tudi nekateri organizacijski dejavniki, kot so organizacijska pravičnost, opora delodajalca in zaupanje v nadrejene vpliv za zaznavo policistov do uvedbe novih tehnologij. V nalogi so predstavljene tudi raziskave izvedene v tujini, kjer so nosljive kamere že v uporabi. Na podlagi raziskave med policisti v Sloveniji je bilo ugotovljeno, da imajo policisti nevtralen odnos do uvedbe nosljivih kamer v policiji oziroma se z uvedbo le deloma strinjajo. Na policistov odnos imajo vpliv tudi organizacijski dejavniki kot so zaupanje v nadrejene, organizacijska pravičnost in odpora, kar nam potrjujejo rezultati raziskave. Interpretacija dobljenih rezultatov na podlagi izvedene raziskave na koncu naloge odpira diskusijo o pozitivnih učinkih, ki jo lahko uvedba nosljivih kamer doprinese.


policija;policijsko delo;policijski postopki;policijska pooblastila;nosljive kamere;pritožbe;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: [M. Kuralt]
UDC: 351.741(043.2)
COBISS: 34588675 Link will open in a new window
Views: 653
Downloads: 194
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Police officers perception at the introduction of body worn cameras in police procedures
Secondary abstract: The introduction of new technologies, specifically body-worn cameras in the police force is a current topic as it is expected that its introduction in Slovenia is only a question of time. The development of a technology which allows for a more accurate recording of events while at the same time removing administrative barriers may on the one hand reduce police officers' workload but may on the other also make it more difficult. In countries where body-worn cameras are already in use, there are many instances of positive experience reported both on the part of the police and the public. In Slovenia, police officers have access to a limited number of body-worn cameras which they may use voluntarily. In the master thesis, we investigated the attitudes of police officers toward the use of body-worn cameras; we employed the research sample of the said police officers so as to analyse the police officers' observations regarding the introduction of a body-worn camera in their daily work. We were interested in establishing whether certain organisational factors such as organisational justice, the employer's support, and the trust towards one's superiors affects the police officers' observations regarding the introduction of new technologies. The thesis also showcases the research undertaken in other countries where body-worn cameras are in regular use. The research carried out among police officers in Slovenia has established that police officers show a neutral attitude toward the introduction of body-worn cameras in the police force and that they only partially support the said introduction. The research confirms that organisational factors affect the police officers' attitudes toward the introduction of body-worn cameras. The interpretation of the findings acquired by the research in the conclusion of the thesis encourages a wider debate on the positive effects which the introduction of body-worn cameras may bring.
Secondary keywords: police;body-worn camera;complaint;police powers;police procedure;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: VI, 59 str., 8 str. pril.
ID: 12109496
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