diplomsko delo
Uvod: Nosečnost in porod povzročita fiziološke spremembe vseh organskih sistemov, tudi spremembe medeničnega dna. Med nosečnostjo vezivne strukture zaradi vpliva hormonov postanejo ohlapnejše, rast in teža ploda potiskata organe navzdol, zaradi česar so mišice medeničnega dna izpostavljene večjemu bremenu in oslabijo. Z vadbo mišic medeničnega dna med nosečnostjo izboljšamo nadzor in povečamo jakost mišic, ki so pomembne in potrebne za porajanje ploda. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je na podlagi pregleda strokovne in znanstvene literature ugotoviti vpliv vadbe mišic medeničnega dna na izid poroda. Želimo ugotoviti, kako vadba z namenom povečanja jakosti in vzdržljivosti mišic medeničnega dna vpliva na faze poroda, ter njene učinke na nosečniške, med-porodne ali poporodne zaplete. Metode dela: Pregled literature je potekal po splošni medicinski in zdravstveni podatkovni zbirki PubMed ter v za fizioterapijo specifičnih podatkovnih zbirkah Cochrane library in PEDro. Uporabljeni so bili naslednji vključitveni kriteriji: angleški jezik, raziskave in članki objavljeni med letoma 2010 in 2020, odrasle ženske starosti od 18 do 44 let. Izključitveni kriteriji so bili: pridružene bolezni nosečnice ali ploda, več plodna ali rizična nosečnost oz. nevarnost prezgodnjega poroda. Pregled je potekal tudi preko podatkovne baze Semantic Scholar (vključitven dejavnik so raziskave, objavljene med letoma 2015 in 2020). Rezultati: Med iskanjem literature so bile najdene 303 strokovne raziskave. Glede na izključitvene kriterije je bilo v pregled literature vključenih 8 raziskav objavljenih med letoma 2011 in 2018. Rezultati raziskav kažejo, da vadba mišic medeničnega dna med nosečnostjo pozitivno vpliva na potek poroda, ki se kaže v skrajšani drugi porodni dobi. Prav tako vadba mišic medeničnega dna vpliva na nižjo pojavnost in jakost bolečine in s tem povezano manjšo uporabo analgetikov v med in poporodnem obdobju. Razprava in zaključek: Iz opisanih rezultatov pregleda literature lahko predpostavimo, da z izvajanjem vadbe mišic medeničnega dna pripomoremo k boljši izkušnji nosečnosti in poroda ženske. Izvajanje vaj lahko zmanjša tveganje za mnoge zdravstvene zaplete matere in bodočega novorojenčka. Večina raziskav navaja pozitivne učinke vadbe mišic medeničnega dna, vendarle bi bilo treba na tem področju opraviti še več raziskav. V literaturi ne navajajo, da ima vadba mišic medeničnega dna kakršen koli negativen vpliv na zdravstveno stanje nosečnice in ploda.
diplomska dela;fizioterapija;nosečnost;krepitev mišic;medenično dno;vadba mišic medeničnega dna;porod;mišice medeničnega dna;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2020 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UL ZF - University College of Health Studies |
Publisher: |
[S. Svetek Vrščaj] |
UDC: |
615.8 |
Views: |
665 |
Downloads: |
221 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Effect of pelvic floor exercise on outcome - literature review |
Secondary abstract: |
Introduction: Pregnancy and labour cause physiological changes of all organ systems, including changes of the pelvic floor. During pregnancy, the connective tissue gets loosen up due to the hormon influence. The growth and weight of fetus push the organs down, which causes higher load and weakens of the pelvic floor muscle. With pelvic floor exercise during pregnancy, we can improve the strength and control of these muscles, which are important and necessary in the process of labouring. Purpose: The purpose of diploma work is to determine the impact of pelvic floor muscle exercise on the childbirth outcomes, based on the review of professional and scientific literature. We want to find out how pelvic floor muscle strengthening affects pregnancy, inter and postpartum complications. Methods: The literature review was conducted according to the general medical and health database PubMed and physiotherapy specific databases Cochrane library and PEDro. The following inclusion criteria were used: english language, research and articles published between 2010 and 2020 and adult women aged 18 to 44 years. The exclusion criteria were the following: associated diseases of pregnant women or fetus, multiple fertile or high-risk pregnancy and risk of premature birth. The review was also conducted through the Semantic Scholar database (the inclusion factor were articles published between 2015 and 2020). Results: During the literature search, 303 professional articles were found. According to the exclusion criteria, 8 articles published between 2011 and 2018 were included in the literature review. The results of the research showed that pelvic floor muscle exercise during pregnancy affects the course of labour, which is reflected in shortened second stage of labour. Pelvic floor muscle exercise also affects the incidence and intensity of pain and associated use of analgetics during and after the labour. Discussion and conclusion: Based on the described results from the literature review, we can assume that performing pelvic floor muscle exercises contributes to a better pregnancy experience and childbirth of future mothers. Performing exercises can reduce the risk of many health complications for future mothers and newborn babies. Even though most researches claim the positive effects of pelvic floor muscle exercise, more research is still needed. Scientific literature does not state that pelvic floor muscle exercise has any negative impact on the health of pregnant women and fetus. |
Secondary keywords: |
diploma theses;physiotherapy;pregnancy;muscle strengthening;pelvic floor;pelvic floor exercise;labour;pelvic floor muscles; |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
0 |
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): |
1970-01-01 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za fizioterapijo |
Pages: |
36 str. |
ID: |
12111849 |