diplomsko delo
Martina Lavrič (Author), Tina Kavčič (Reviewer), Marija Milavec Kapun (Mentor), Mojca Omerzu (Co-mentor)


Uvod: Starši otrok z vedenjskimi in drugimi težavami se pogosto soočajo s težavami otrok na področju čustvovanja, koncentracije, vedenja in shajanja z drugimi ljudmi. Velikokrat je težavno vedenje otrok povezano s hiperkinetično motnjo, vendar vsi otroci niso zanjo tudi diagnosticirani. Hiperkinetična motnja je ena najpogostejših razvojnih motenj. Glavni znaki in simptomi so hiperaktivnost, nepozornost in impulzivnost. Starševstvo takemu otroku je lahko izjemno naporno in nemalokrat povzroča številne spore med staršema in tudi med drugimi družinskimi člani. Namen: Ugotoviti prednostna in težavna vedenja otrok s hiperkinetično motnjo in ostalimi vedenjskimi težavami, doživljanje težav staršev teh otrok in identifikacija področij, ki otrokom in staršem povzročajo največ težav. Metode dela: Uporabljena je bila neeksperimentalna metoda dela. Uporabljen je bil vprašalnik o prednostih in težavah, ki se uporablja za zgodnje odkrivanje pozitivnih in težavnih področij vedenja pri otrocih in mladostnikih. Dobljeni rezultati so bili vrednoteni z novejšo štiri-stopenjsko kategorizacijo. Vzorec je predstavljalo 43 otrok, starih med 8 in 15 let, ki so se udeležili tabora za vedenjsko zahtevne otroke. Rezultati: Glede na podane ocene staršev so otroci pri točkovanju čustvenih težav dosegli 3,14 točk, kar predstavlja povprečen rezultat. Pri vedenjskih težavah so dosegli skupno 3,16 točk, kar predstavlja nekoliko povišan rezultat. Pri težavah povezanih s hiperaktivnostjo so dosegli 6,65 točk, kar predstavlja nekoliko povišan rezultat. Pri medvrstniških težavah so dosegli 4,02 točk, kar predstavlja visok rezultat. Pri točkovanju socialnega vedenja so dosegli 7,67 točk, kar predstavlja nekoliko znižan rezultat. Pri točkovanju težav vsakdanjega življenja so dosegli 3,58 točk, kar predstavlja zelo visok rezultat. Pri točkovanju skupnih težav so dosegli 17,14 točk, kar predstavlja visok rezultat. Razprava in zaključek: Težave, ki spremljajo vedenjske in druge težave prizadenejo otroke, starše in ostale družinske člane. Obremenjujejo jih na vseh področjih življenja. Medicinske sestre v patronažnem varstvu in službah za zdravstveno varstvo otrok in mladine se morajo znati približati otroku s hiperkinetično motnjo in njegovi družini, jih dobro spoznati in jim nuditi strokovno podporo, spodbudo in pohvalo. Hiperkinetični motnji in ostalim vedenjskim težavam bi morali posvečati več pozornosti že na sistematskih pregledih in na zdravstveno-vzgojnih aktivnostih.


diplomska dela;zdravstvena nega;starši;vedenjske težave;vsakdanje življenje;medicinske sestre;primarna raven zdravstva;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [M. Lavrič]
UDC: 616-083
COBISS: 34915587 Link will open in a new window
Views: 498
Downloads: 143
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Strenghts [!] and difficulties of children with behavioral problems: parents perspective
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Parents of children with behavioural and other issues are facing problems when handling their emotions, concentration, behaviour, and interacting with other people. The child’s behaviour is oftentimes related to hyperkinetic disorder, but not all children are diagnosed with it. Hyperkinetic disorder is one of the most common developmental issues. Its main signs and symptoms are hyperactivity, lack of attention, and impulsiveness. Purpose: To find out the priorities and difficulties of children with hyperkinetic disorder and other behavioural problems, the parental experience of their relatives, and which aspects are causing the most difficulties to both. Methods: The method used was non experimental. I used a survey about priorities and difficulties of the disorder, which is generally used as a method of early discovery of behavioural priorities and difficulties with children and youth. The obtained results were assessed using a newer, four-level categorization. The children sample size was 43, aged between eight and 15 years, all of whom attended youth camp for children with behaviour problems in summer 2019. Results: Based on the ratings given by parents, their children scored 3.14 on the emotional intelligence issues, which is an average score. For behavioural problems, the score was 3.16, which represents a slightly increased score. With issues related to hyperactivity, they scored 6.65, which represents a slightly increased score. With peer issues, they scored 4.02, which represents a high score. For social behaviour, they scored 7.67, which represents a slightly lower score. For everyday living, they scored 3.58, which represents a very high score. For group issues, they scored 17.14, which is also a high score. Discussion and conclusion: The problems that occur with hyperkinetic disorders and other behavioural problems affect children, parents, and other family members. They are burdened in all areas of life. Nurses in community health care and other services for child and youth health care must know how to gain the confidence of parents and children with Hyperactivity Disorders in order to offer them support, incentive and praise. Greater attention during regular health check-ups and health education activities would enhance the quality of life for these children.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;nursing care;parents;behavioural problems;everyday life;nurses;primary health care;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za zdravstveno nego
Pages: 38 str.
ID: 12114456