(magistrsko delo)
Uvod: Najstništvo in adolescenca sta občutljivi obdobji odraščanja, pogosto povezani z eksperimentiranjem z alkoholom. Namen raziskave je bil proučiti tvegano pitje alkohola med osnovno- in srednješolci v lokalnem okolju ter prepoznati vpliv alkohola na njihovo zdravje.
Metode: Raziskava je bila deskriptivno presečna. Za zbiranje podatkov smo uporabili vprašalnik, ki je bil oblikovan na podlagi pregleda literature. V vzorec smo vključili de-vetošolce treh osnovnih šol ter dijake 2. letnika Gimnazije Ormož (gimnazijski program in program predšolske vzgoje).
Rezultati: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 125 mladostnikov, starih 14 do 17 let. Kljub zakonskim omejitvam 65 mladostnikov (52 %) z nakupom alkohola ni imelo težav. S prvo alkoholno izkušnjo se je pred 10. letom srečalo 31 mladostnikov (24,8 %), 38 mladostnikom (30,4 %) so alkohol prvič ponudili starši. Najvišji delež opitosti smo zaznali med gimnazijci, vseh 17 (100 %) je bilo v zadnjem mesecu opitih do 2-krat. Negativnih posledic se je zavedalo 90 sodelujočih dijakov (72 %).
Razprava in sklep: Rezultati magistrskega dela kažejo, da je uživanje alkoholnih pijač med osnovnošolci in srednješolci v Občini Ormož zelo razširjeno, kar je pogojeno z lahko dostopnostjo do alkohola. Pogovor s starši je varovalni dejavnik glede pitja alkohola pri vseh obravnavanih starostih mladostnika. Iz raziskovalnega vzorca je tudi razvidno, da ima večina mladostnikov bolj ali manj oblikovano mnenje o alkoholu in njegovih posledicah. Pozornost je treba usmeriti na starše in šolske kolektive ter jih pripraviti za pogovarjanje o alkoholu na ustrezen način, tak, ki spodbuja lastno razmišljanje in aktualizira škodljive posledice pitja alkohola za mladostnika.
alkohol;mladostniki;dejavniki tveganja;škodljivo pitje;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2020 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences |
Publisher: |
[B. Viher] |
UDC: |
613.81-053.6(043.2) |
Views: |
523 |
Downloads: |
63 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Responsible alchohol consumption among young people in the Municipality of Ormož |
Secondary abstract: |
Introduction: Adolescent years are sensitive and difficult periods of growing up often linked with alcohol experimentation. The aim of the study was to analyze the risks of alcohol consumption among pupils of elementary and high schools in a local setting and identify the problems and its effects on health.
Methods: The research is descriptive cross-sectional. For collecting data we have used surveys formed on the basis of a studied literature. The data pattern includes ninth graders of three elementary schools and sophomores of Gimnazija Ormož high school (gymnasium and preschool education programme).
Results: 125 youngsters from the age of 14 to 17 participated in the study. Despite the law regulations 62 youngsters (52 %) haven’t had problems with acquiring alcohol.
31 youngsters (24,8 %) have had their first encounter with alcohol before the age of 10. 38 youngsters (30,4 %) were offered alcohol by their parents. The highest percen-tage of intoxication was discovered among secondary school (gymnasium) pupils. All 17 secondary school (gymnasium) pupils (100 %) were intoxicated at least twice in the last month. 90 secondary school pupils (72 %) were aware of the negative consequen-ces.
Discussion and conclusion: The results of this diploma paper show that the alcohol consumption is widespread among pupils of elementary and secondary schools of Ormož municipality , the reason for that being the easiness of acquiring alcohol. The discussion with parents is a protective factor about alcohol consumption for all treated ages of youngsters. The research pattern also shows that the majority of youngsters have got their opinion formed about alcohol and its consequences. We have to turn our focus towards empowering parents and complete school collective on communicating about alcohol in an appropriate way, the way that encourages their own thinking and actualizes the detrimental consequences of drinking for teenagers. |
Secondary keywords: |
alchohol;youngsters;risk-factors;harmful drinking;Drug addiction;Alcohol drinking;Alkoholizem;Pitje alkohola; |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede |
Pages: |
V, 52 str., 22 str. pril. |
ID: |
12135537 |