magistrsko delo
Nataša Galun (Author), Vesna Čančer (Mentor)


Management zalog pomeni ves sistematičen proces naročanja, skladiščenja ter odpremo materialov in proizvodov. Namen je doseči pravšnje količine naročanja zalog, pravšnje količine hranjenja zalog v skladiščih, na pravih mestih v procesu proizvodnje, ob najbolj primernem času in po najbolj ugodnih cenah. Za dosego tega cilja mora biti nadzor zalog čim bolj točno in dosledno voden. Za podjetja so zelo pomembne vse ravni zalog, saj količine zalog v hrambi pomenijo za podjetja vedno tudi strošek, ki direktno učinkuje na uspešnost podjetij. Podjetja si zato prizadevajo za optimalne količine zalog. V magistrskem delu obravnavamo zaloge s poudarkom na optimizaciji zalog. Ključna ugotovitev je, da z vidika nemotene proizvodnje ter zadovoljevanja povpraševanja s strani kupcev, težijo podjetja k čim večjim, tj. zadostnim ali nepresahljivim, zalogam, z vidika stroškov pa k čim manjšim zalogam. A zadovoljitev obeh ciljev zmorejo uresničiti le optimalne zaloge. Stroški imajo nadvse pomembno mesto pri določanju količine zalog. V magistrski nalogi smo podrobneje predstavili te stroške, ki jih povzročajo zaloge. To so stroški skladiščenja, stroški naročanja in stroški nezadovoljenega povpraševanja. Magistrsko delo je zasnovano iz teoretičnega in praktičnega dela. V uvodnem delu smo si zastavili dve hipotezi. Prvo hipotezo smo preverjali že v teoretičnem delu naloge. Druga hipoteza je sestavljena iz štirih podhipotez, ki pa smo jih preverjali v praktičnem delu naloge. Teoretični del gradita dva sklopa. V prvem sklopu smo na začetku zapisali definicije zalog različnih avtorjev. Podrobneje smo opredelili namen zalog. V nadaljevanju smo predstavili tudi vrste zalog glede na pojavno obliko, stopnjo dokončanosti v proizvodnem procesu, funkcijo zalog in velikost zalog. V drugem sklopu teoretičnega dela smo se osredotočili na pojem optimizacija zalog, kar je osrednja tema magistrskega dela. Na začetku smo opisali stroške, ki nastanejo pri upravljanju zalog. Zatem pa so podrobneje opisani optimizacijski modeli zalog. To so osnovni model zalog, model zalog pri količinskih popustih in model zalog pri postopnih dobavah. Opisali smo tudi management zalog pri negotovem povpraševanju in politiko naročanja za zadovoljevanje negotovega sezonskega povpraševanja. Praktičen del v uvodu zajema kratko predstavitev proizvodnega podjetja X. Nadalje smo, na podlagi štirih izbranih artiklov, s pomočjo izbranih modelov, ki smo jih predstavili v teoretičnem delu, preverili, ali proizvodno podjetje X vodi optimalno politiko zalog. Na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov smo sproti presojali, ali vsako podhipotezo sprejmemo ali ovržemo. Z optimizacijo zalog smo iz zaupanih podatkov za leto 2018 za izbrane štiri artikle (hidravlično olje, kratka majica v velikosti L, lamelni brus, papirnata brisača) ugotovili, da proizvodno podjetje X ne vodi optimalne politike zalog. V sklepu magistrske naloge smo zapisali spoznanja in ugotovitve iz obeh delov, teoretičnega in praktičnega.




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: N. Galun
UDC: 658.7:519.8
COBISS: 59301379 Link will open in a new window
Views: 359
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Supply management in a production company X
Secondary abstract: Inventory management means the whole systematic process of ordering, storing and shipping materials and products. The purpose is to achieve the right quantities of ordering supplies, the right quantities of inventory kept in warehouses, at the right places in the production process, at the most appropriate time and at the most affordable prices. In order to achieve this objective, inventory control must be as accurately and consistently guided as possible.  All inventory levels are very important for companies, as inventory volumes in storage always mean a cost to businesses that directly affect the performance of companies. Companies therefore strive for optimal quantities of inventory. In the master degree thesis we deal with inventory with an emphasis on inventory optimization. The key finding is that, in terms of undisturbed production and meeting demand by customers, companies tend to maximise sufficient or non-vanished inventory and, in terms of costs, to minimise inventory. But the satisfaction of both objectives can only achieve optimal inventory. Costs have an important place in determining the quantity of inventory. In the master degree thesis following we presented in more detail these costs caused by inventory. These are inventory costs, ordering costs and the cost of unsatisfied demand. The master degree thesis is based on theoretical and practical part. In the introductory part, we set two hypotheses. The first hypothesis was already checked in the theoretical part of the task. The second hypothesis consists of four sub-hypotheses, which were checked in the practical part of the task. The theoretical part is built by two sets. In the first set, we initially wrote down the definitions of inventory of different authors. We specified the purpose of inventory in more detail. Hereinafter, we also presented inventory types according to pop-up form, completion rate in the production process, inventory function and size of stocks. In the second part of the theoretical part we focused on the concept of optimization of inventory, which is the central theme of the Master Degree thesis. At the beginning, we described the costs incurred in managing inventory. Then the inventory optimization models are described in more detail. These are the basic inventory model, the inventory model at quantity discounts and the inventory model for gradual deliveries. We also described the management of inventories in uncertain demand and the ordering policy to meet uncertain seasonal demand. The practical part in the introduction includes a short presentation of the production company X. Furthermore, on the basis of the four selected items, using selected models presented in the theoretical part, we checked whether production company X is in charge of the optimal inventory policy. On the basis of the results obtained, we kept assessing whether we accept or reject each sub-hypothesis. By optimising the inventory, we found from the data entrusted for 2018 for selected four items (hydraulic oil, L-size t-shirt, lamellar grinder, paper towel) that the production company X is not in charge of the optimal inventory policy. In the conclusion of the master degree thesis we recorded lessons and findings from both parts, theoretical and practical.
Secondary keywords: inventory;inventory types;inventory optimization;inventory costs;inventory optimization models;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 70 str.
ID: 12139369
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