diplomsko delo
Jonas Kodelja (Author), Mitja Durnik (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu sem raziskoval nogometno državo Španijo. Osredotočil sem se na dve njeni regiji, natančneje Baskijo in Katalonijo, ter na nogometna kluba Athletic Club in FC Barcelona. Zanimalo me je predvsem stališče obeh klubov v povezavi z regijama, iz katerih prihajata. Osredotočil sem se na tri vidike: političnega, družbeno-socialnega in gospodarskega. Uvodno poglavje diplomskega dela sem zaradi lažjega razumevanja posvetil predstavitvi naslednjih pojmov: Baskija, Katalonija, nogomet, politika, avtonomija, identiteta in nacionalizem. V nadaljevanju sem raziskoval in pojasnil zgodovino španske politike, obeh raziskovanih regij in klubov, nato pa še oris španskega političnega sistema. V diplomskem delu sem uporabil kvalitativno in kvantitativno metodo raziskovanja, ki sta temeljili na raziskovanju že obstoječe literature in virov ter njihovi analizi, pri čemer sem uporabljal pretežno sekundarne vire. Preučil sem ustrezno literaturo, gradiva, strokovne članke, spletne strani in video zapis. Literatura in viri, iz katerih sem črpal podatke, so strokovne narave. Posluževal sem se del slovenskih in tujih avtorjev, strokovnih člankov in spletnih strani. V okviru raziskovanja oz. analize sem ugotovil, da so bile katalonske nacionalne težnje utemeljene z mirnimi protesti in opozarjanjem nase, medtem ko je pri baskovskih nacionalnih težnjah sodelovala tudi teroristična skupina Euskadi Ta Askatasuna - ETA. Z družbeno-socialnega, političnega in gospodarskega vidika sta si kluba precej podobna, saj imata podobne cilje in usmeritve - političnih mnenj ne izražata javno, obenem pa sta velika promotorja obravnavanih regij.


nogomet;politika;Baskija;Katalonija;Athletic Club;FC Barcelona;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FU - Faculty of Administration
Publisher: [J. Kodelja]
UDC: 351.752.1:796.332:32
COBISS: 36895491 Link will open in a new window
Views: 432
Downloads: 91
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Spanish football clubs between politics and sports
Secondary abstract: In my diploma work I explored the football country of Spain. I focused on two of its regions, the Basque Country and Catalonia, and the Athletic Club and FC Barcelona. I was particularly interested in the position of both football clubs in relation to the regions they came from. I focused on three aspects: political, social and economic. For further understanding of my diploma work, the introductory chapter presents the concepts of Basque, Catalonia, football, politics, identity autonomy and nationalism. I then researched and explained the history of Spanish politics of both regions and clubs. I also added an outline of the Spanish political system. In my diploma work, I used a qualitative research method. Methods was based on research into existing literature and resources and their analysis. I used mostly secondary sources. I studied books, materials, professional articles, websites and video. The literature and sources from which I drew information are professional. They were mostly works by domestic and foreign authors, professional articles and websites. In the framework of research and analyses I came to the following conclusions. The Catalan national aspirations were based on peaceful protests and warnings of their existence, while the Basque national aspirations also involved the Euskadi Ta Askatasuna terrorist group - ETA. The two clubs are quite similar from a social, political and economic point of view to the region because they share fairly similar goals and orientations. Both clubs do not express political opinions publicly. However, they are big promoters of the regions.
Secondary keywords: football;politics;Basque Country;Catalonia;Athletic Bilbao;FC Barcelona.;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000529
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za upravo
Pages: IX, 40 str.
ID: 12146246