(magistrsko diplomsko delo)
Urška Javornik (Author), Matjaž Ambrož (Mentor)


Poskus kaznivega dejanja je institut splošnega dela Kazenskega zakonika, ki predstavlja izjemo v kazenskem pravu, saj je, kljub izostanku prepovedane posledice, lahko kazniv. Pri tem poskus ni edina stopnja na poti uresničevanja kaznivega dejanja, saj lahko storilec o kaznivem dejanju sprva zgolj razmišlja (goli naklep) ali se nanj obširneje pripravlja (pripravljalna dejanja). O poskusu kaznivega dejanja govorimo šele takrat, ko storilec preide v tisto fazo, ki pomeni izvrševanje zakonskih znakov kaznivega dejanja, vendar do prepovedane posledice, ki je bila v njegovem naklepu, ni prišlo. Ob odsotnosti prepovedane posledice je temelj kaznivosti poskusa odraz storilčevega ravnanja (objektivni kriterij) in navzven zaznavnega naklepa do uresničitve kaznivega dejanja (subjektivni kriterij). Slovenski kazenski zakonik opredeljuje tudi posebno obliko poskusa, in sicer neprimeren poskus, za katerega je značilno, da storilec želi izvršiti kaznivo dejanje, vendar je dokončanje objektivno nemogoče zaradi neprimernega sredstva oziroma objekta. Kaznivo dejanje lahko ostane pri poskusu iz različnih razlogov, kar se kaže tudi v raznolikih primerih, s katerimi se srečuje sodna praksa. Eden izmed razlogov, da dejanje ostane pri poskusu, je prostovoljni odstop storilca od dokončanja kaznivega dejanja. Na podlagi navedenega predstavlja institut poskusa kaznivega dejanja, z vsemi svojimi razsežnostmi, enega izmed ključnih institutov kazenskega prava, hkrati pa tudi svojevrsten izziv, s katerim se soočata tako teorija kot sodna praksa.


kazensko pravo;poskus kaznivega dejanja;neprimeren poskus;prostovoljni odstop;goli naklep;pripravljalna dejanja;objektivni kriterij;subjektivni kriterij;magistrske diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [U. Javornik]
UDC: 343(043.2)
COBISS: 40155395 Link will open in a new window
Views: 637
Downloads: 192
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Attempt of criminal offence in theory and in most recent legal practice
Secondary abstract: Attempt of criminal offence is an institute of the general part of the Criminal Code that constitutes an exception in criminal law as it may be punishable although the unlawful consequence may be absent. The attempt itself is not the only step towards committing a criminal offence because the perpetrator can initially only contemplate the criminal offence (intent) or prepare for it extensively (preparatory acts). One can speak of an attempt of criminal offence when the perpetrator enters the phase that involves committing the substantive elements of the offence, but their intended unlawful consequence has not been achieved. In the absence of an unlawful consequence, the attempt of criminal offence is based on the perpetrator’s conduct (objective criterion) and the intent to commit a criminal offence that can be perceived externally (subjective criterion). The Criminal Code of the Republic of Slovenia also defines a particular form of attempt, i.e. the inappropriate attempt, which is characterised by a perpetrator wishing to commit a criminal offence, but finishing the crime is objectively impossible due to improper means or object. A criminal offence may remain at the level of intent for various reasons, which is also reflected in a diverse range of cases in case law. One of the reasons why the intent fails to progress is voluntary abandonment, in which the criminal offence is not finished by the perpetrator. Based on the above, the institute of attempt of criminal offence with everything it entails constitutes one of the key institutes of criminal law, but at the same time poses a particular challenge for both theory and case law.
Secondary keywords: criminal law;attempt of criminal offence;inappropriate attempt;voluntary abandonment;intent;preparatory acts;objective criterion;subjective criterion;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak.
Pages: 36 f.
ID: 12146250
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