diplomsko delo
Alja Ropret (Author), Valentina Franca (Mentor)


Študentsko delo je v Sloveniji prisotno že dolgo časa in je tudi zelo pogosto delo med študenti in dijaki. Čas študija je za mlade pomembna prelomnica v življenju, saj so ekonomsko še odvisni od staršev, hkrati pa je obdobje dozorevanja in težnje po neodvisnosti in samostojnosti. Mladi se med izobraževanjem želijo vključiti na trg dela zaradi različnih razlogov. Tako začnejo delati preko študentske napotnice. S samim delom študentje dvigujejo osebnostno rast ter si pridobijo različne delovne izkušnje, ki pa niso formalno priznane. Ravno zaradi delovnih izkušenj, pridobljenih s študentskim delom, pride do težav pri prvi zaposlitvi v javnem sektorju, kjer so v razpisih zahtevane delovne izkušnje, pridobljene v času delovnega razmerja. Ko se študent prijavi na prosto delovno mesto v javnem sektorju, mora poleg prošnje priložiti tudi verodostojno listino, ki dokazuje delovne izkušnje, pridobljene s študentskim delom. Listina mora biti izvirna in potrjevati vsebino. Delovne izkušnje pa se upoštevajo pod določenimi pogoji. Študentom se v javnem sektorju upoštevajo delovne izkušnje, pridobljene s študentskim delom, če kandidat kandidira za prosto delovno mesto v javnem sektorju na enaki stopnji zahtevnosti, kot je opravljal delo preko študentske napotnice. Temeljne ugotovitve diplomskega dela so, da področje študentskega dela in tako pridobljene delovne izkušnje ni ovrednoteno v enem samem zakonu in bi to bilo treba storiti ne samo za študente, ampak tudi za delodajalce, ki se s to težavo srečujejo pri zaposlitvi. Tako bi bilo to področje za vse zakonsko celoviteje in sistematično urejeno.


študentsko delo;študentska napotnica;trg dela;delovne izkušnje;zaposlitev;javni sektor;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FU - Faculty of Administration
Publisher: [A. Ropret]
UDC: 331.5-057.875
COBISS: 39886083 Link will open in a new window
Views: 434
Downloads: 119
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Legal aspects of performing student work in the public sector
Secondary abstract: In Slovenia, student work has been present for a long time and is also very frequent among tertiary and secondary students. The study period is an important turning point in the life of young people, since they still depend on their parents and are at the same time maturing and having aspirations for independence and autonomy. During their education, young people want to participate on the labour market for different reasons and begin working via a student job referral. Through work, students raise their personal growth and gain different work experiences, which are, however, not recognized formally. Particularly the work experiences, gained with student work, cause trouble in the case of first employment in the public sector, where job vacancies require work experience, gained during employment. When a student applies for a vacancy in the public sector, his application must also enclose an authentic document proving his work experiences gained with student work, and this document needs to be an original and prove the content. These experiences are considered under certain conditions. The student's student work experiences are considered, when he applies for a vacancy in the public sector at the same level of complexity as he was working at via the student job referral. The main findings of the thesis are that the field of student work and related work experiences is not regulated in one single act, but this would need to be done not only in favour of students, but also for employers, which are facing this problem on employment. This way, this field would be more comprehensively and systematically legally regulated for students and employers.
Secondary keywords: student work;student job referral;labour market;work experience;employment;public sector;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000530
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za upravo
Pages: VIII, 42 str.
ID: 12186029