(magistrsko diplomsko delo)
Ema Jamnik (Author), Grega Strban (Mentor)


Svoboda gibanja spada med temeljne človekove pravice. Te pravice je le izjemoma mogoče omejiti. Zaradi želje po boljšem življenju, ob razvoju globalizacije, se ljudje vse pogosteje selijo in zaposlujejo v tujini. Večja mobilnost družbe je vplivala tudi na razvoj prava socialne varnosti, ki je prav zaradi migracij moral v smer vse višje ravni mednarodnega sodelovanja. V ta namen države sklepajo mednarodne sporazume s področja socialne varnosti, ki omogočajo, da osebe, ki dopolnijo dobo v različnih državah, pridobijo pravice s področja socialne varnosti, v enaki meri in pod enakimi pogoji kot osebe, ki dobo dopolnijo le v eni državi in uživajo pridobljene pravice zunaj domače države. Same pravice še vedno urejajo zakonodaje posameznih držav. Znotraj Evropske unije to področje urejajo koordinacijske uredbe, ki povezujejo različne sisteme socialne varnosti držav članic, ne uvajajo pa novih pravic, saj je materialno pravo prepuščeno posameznim državam članicam. Z namenom varovanja svojih državljanov ter zaradi ekonomskih interesov, države sklepajo tudi bilateralne sporazume z državami izven Evropske unije. Dvostranski ali bilateralni sporazumi, ki jih sklepa Slovenija morajo biti seveda skladni z evropskim pravnim redom. Od vseh sklenjenih bilateralnih sporazumov, so najpogosteje uporabljeni sporazumi sklenjeni z državami bivše Jugoslavije, na podlagi katerih so varovane pravice delavcev, ki so dopolnili zavarovalno dobo v državah pogodbenicah. V magistrskem delu je obravnavano področje uporabe bilateralnih sporazumov v kombinaciji s slovenskim oziroma evropskim pravnim redom, saj so v realnosti pogoste tudi kombinacije dopolnjene zavarovalne dobe v več državah Evropske unije ter državah, s katerimi ima Republika Slovenija sklenjene mednarodne sporazume.


socialna varnost;migracije;delavci migranti;svoboda gibanja;bilateralni sporazumi;uredbe;mednarodno pravo socialne varnosti;pravo socialne varnosti Evropske unije;harmonizacija pravnega reda unije;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [E. Jamnik]
UDC: 349(043.2)
COBISS: 43616771 Link will open in a new window
Views: 433
Downloads: 100
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Coordination of social security systems of Slovenia and those of former Yugoslavian countries
Secondary abstract: Freedom of movement is considered a fundamental human right. These rights can only be restricted in exceptional cases. Due to the development of globalization and people’s desire for a better life, people have increasingly started to move and work abroad. Society’s greater mobility has also had an impact on the development of social security law which, due to the increasing number of migrations, needed to increase the level of international cooperation. To this end, Member States conclude international agreements in the field of social security which allow persons who complete the required years of service in different countries to acquire social security rights to the same extent and under the same conditions as persons who complete their years of service in a single country, and to enjoy vested rights outside of their home state. The rights themselves are still governed by individual countries’ legislations. Within the European Union, the field of social security is regulated by the Coordination Regulations, linking the various social security systems of the Member States. However, these regulations are not permitted to introduce new rights, as substantive law is left to be determined by individual Member States. In order to protect their citizens and due to economic interests, countries also conclude bilateral agreements with countries outside the European Union. Bilateral agreements concluded by the Slovenia must, of course, be in line with the Union acquis. Of all the bilateral agreements concluded, which protect the rights of workers who completed periods of insurance in the Contracting States, the most frequently used are those concluded with the countries of the former Yugoslavia. This master's thesis deals with the scope of bilateral agreements in combination with the Slovenian and Union acquis, as in practice, combinations of completed insurance periods are also common in several European Union countries as well as countries with which Slovenia concluded international agreements.
Secondary keywords: social security;migrations;migrant workers;freedom of movement;bilateral agreements;regulations;international social law;European Union social law;harmonization of Union acquis;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak.
Pages: X, 42 f.
ID: 12219701