magistrsko delo
Lara Igrec (Author), Božidar Opara (Mentor)


Avtistična motnja je vseživljenjska razvojna motnja, ki jo najpogosteje diagnosticirajo v otroštvu, večinoma v prvih treh letih. Zanjo so značilni primanjkljaji na področjih socialne interakcije in komunikacije, pojavljanje stereotipnih oblik vedenja, zanimanj ali aktivnosti. Takšna oblika vedenja vpliva na možnost zadovoljevanja osnovnih človeških potreb kot tudi na skupno kakovost bivanja. Zelo pomembna sta zgodnja obravnava in postavljanje diagnoze, tako da lahko otroka ob pravem času vključimo v sistem pravilne in kontinuirane rehabilitacije in izobraževanja. Potrebna je vsakodnevna skrb, ki spodbuja normalen razvoj otroka na vseh področjih življenja, spodbuja samostojnost in socializacijo in tudi zatiranje neželenih oblik vedenja. Pomembno vlogo pri tem imajo strokovnjaki, defektologi, logopedi, pedagogi, psihologi in psihiatri za otroško in mladostniško obdobje. Dokazano je, da je otroka s posebnimi potrebami najbolje čim prej integrirati v družbeno skupnost, saj bo na ta način odnos med družbeno skupnostjo in otrokom s posebnimi potrebami bolj produktiven. Integracija je varna pot proti stigmatizaciji oseb s posebnimi potrebami.


magistrska dela;motnje avtističnega spektra;avtistična motnja;Aspergerjev sindrom;pristopi;društva;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [L. Gašparić]
UDC: 376:616.896-053.2(043.2)
COBISS: 51788803 Link will open in a new window
Views: 710
Downloads: 79
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Professional and interest groups for children with avtism spectrum disorder
Secondary abstract: Autism spectrum disorder is a behavioural disorder, which starts in childhood - mainly in the first three years of life; it affects all mental functions, and it lasts a lifetime. It affects different behavioural areas: social interactions and communication, the appearance of stereotypical behaviour, interests, or activities. The aforementioned behaviour affects the ability to meet the basic human needs, and the quality of living. Early treatment and diagnosis are especially important; thus, the child can be in due course integrated into correct and regular rehabilitation and education. Daily care is necessary, since it encourages a normal development of a child in every area of life, it encourages independence and socialisation, as well as it suppresses unwanted behaviour. Professionals, defectologists, speech and language therapists, educators, psychologists, and psychiatrists are very important. With integration movements, the possibilities for people with special needs are increasing; they can participate in the activities of the social community. Studies show, that the child with special needs should be integrated into social community as soon as possible, since the interaction between the social community and the child with special needs will be more productive. Integration is a safe way against the stigmatisation of people with special needs.
Secondary keywords: master theses;autism spectrum disorder;autism;aspergillius syndrome;approach;society;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za temeljne pedagoške predmete
Pages: IX, 60 f.
ID: 12239306