(magistrsko delo)
Mateja Trunk (Author), Bojan Krebs (Mentor), Sabina Fijan (Co-mentor), Maja Strauss (Co-mentor)


Uvod: Probiotiki so zaradi svojih koristnih učinkov za zdravje gostitelja dandanes zelo pomembni v medicini. Kakovostne klinične študije kažejo številne pozitivne učinke probiotikov tudi pri bolnikih z rakom prebavil. Z našo raziskavo smo ugotavljali, kakšna je seznanjenost s probiotiki pri bolnikih po operaciji raka prebavil pri nas in kako vpliva uporaba probiotikov na bolnikovo počutje. Metode: Uporabljena je bila kvantitativna metodologija. Podatke smo pridobili s pomočjo anonimnega vprašalnika, ki vsebuje 20 vprašanj zaprtega tipa. Razdeljenih je bilo 123 vprašalnikov, pravilno izpolnjenih je bilo 100. Rezultati so bili analizirani s statističnim programom IBM SPSS 26. Za testiranje hipotez smo uporabili hi kvadrat in binomski test. Rezultati: Večina pacientov po operaciji raka prebavil ni imela večjih težav. Na to ni vplivala uporaba probiotikov. Ugotovili smo, da preiskovanci nad 60 let bistveno slabše poznajo mehanizem in delovanje probiotikov ali pa jih sploh ne poznajo. Glede na izsledke naše raziskave pacienti največ informacij o probiotikih prejmejo preko reklam na televiziji ali internetu in zelo malo od zdravstvenih delavcev. Razprava in sklep: V naši raziskavi smo prišli do zaključka, da se vsi anketirani pacienti po operaciji na splošno dobro počutijo. Anketirani pacienti ob tem navajajo tudi veliko pozitivnih učinkov uživanja probiotikov. Menimo, da bi bil za boljšo ozaveščenost ljudi o probiotikih potreben sistemskih pristop za implementacijo sodobnih smernic za zdravo prehrano, ki vsebuje tudi probiotike.


rak prebavil;probiotiki;črevesna mikrobiota;mikroorganizmi;onkološki pacienti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [M. Trunk]
UDC: 613.292:616.3-006(043.2)
COBISS: 49903619 Link will open in a new window
Views: 470
Downloads: 90
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Patients with gastrointestinal cancer and the effectiveness of probiotics usage
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Probiotics are very important in modern medicine due to their beneficial effects on the hosts health. Qualitative clinical studies also show a number of positive effects of probiotics in patients with gastrointestinal cancer. In our study we researched the familiarity of Slovenian patients with probiotics, after their gastrointestinal cancer surgery, and how the use of probiotics affects the patient's well-being. Methods: A quantitative methodology was applied. The data was obtained with the use of an anonymous questionnaire, containing 20 closed-ended questions. A total of 123 questionnaires were distributed, 100 were filled in correctly. The results were analysed with the IBM SPSS 26 statistical program. For the testing of the hypotheses we used the binomial and chi-squared test. Results: Most patients did not experience any major problems after gastrointestinal cancer surgery. This fact was not affected by the use of probiotics. We found that patients over 60 years of age are significantly less familiar with the mechanism and functions of probiotics or did not know them at all. According to the results of our research, patients receive most of their information about probiotics through advertisements on television or on the Internet, and little from healthcare professionals. Discussion and conclusion: In our study, we came to the conclusion that all surveyed patients feel generally well after surgery. Surveyed patients also report many positive effects of probiotics usage. We believe that in order to raise the people's awareness of probiotics, a systemic approach would be needed for the implementation of modern guidelines for a healthy diet, which also includes probiotics.
Secondary keywords: gastrointestinal cancer;probiotics;intestinal microbiota;microorganisms;oncological patients;Gastrointestinal Neoplasms;Patients;Intestines;Probiotics;Gastrointestinalne novotvorbe;Bolniki;Črevesje;Probiotiki;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: V, 44 f., 9 f. pril.
ID: 12239808