magistrsko delo
Jure Šenveter (Author), Bruno Završnik (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo se osredotoča na Facebook in Instagram oglaševanje spletnih trgovin v Sloveniji, ki prodajajo proizvode ali storitve končnim odjemalcem. Gre za hitro spreminjajoče se področje marketinškega komuniciranja, kar smo poskušali čim bolj aktualno opredeliti in opisati. Magistrsko delo tako zajema teoretično umestitev oglaševanja na družbenih omrežjih v marketing, prakse Facebook in Instagram oglaševalcev slovenskih podjetij in tudi samo izdelavo oglasa. Magistrsko delo je spoznanje, kako kompleksno je oglaševanje na družbenih omrežjih, za katero je treba imeti dosti znanja in dobro pripravljeno strategijo. Magistrsko delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. Teoretični del zajema komuniciranje v marketingu, strategijo digitalnega marketinga, izdelavo spletne strani, zgodovino in opis interneta ter družbenih omrežij, digitalno oglaševanje ter na koncu še izdelavo Facebook in Instagram oglasa. Empirični del raziskuje vprašanja, povezana z oglaševanjem preko Facebook upravitelja oglasov, primerjavo z Google oglaševanjem in ugotavljanje ključnih kazalcev uspešnosti za slovenska podjetja. Pridobljeni podatki nam dajejo odgovore na vprašanja, kam se stekajo sredstva slovenskih digitalnih oglaševalcev, katere cilje Facebook kampanj uporabljajo slovenska podjetja, ali uporabljajo Facebook Pixel ter ali slovenska podjetja uporabljajo ponovno ciljanje občinstva s pomočjo občinstva po meri in s pomočjo kataloške prodaje. Analiza rezultatov je razporejena glede na pojasnjevanje posameznih hipotez in vizualno predstavlja podatke s pomočjo grafov in tabel.


spletna trgovina;oglaševanje;družbena omrežja;Facebook;Instagram;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: J. Šenveter
UDC: 659.1:004.774
COBISS: 59360003 Link will open in a new window
Views: 466
Downloads: 99
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Facebook and Instagram advertising for B2C online stores in Slovenia
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis focuses on Facebook and Instagram advertising of online stores in Slovenia that sell products or services to final customers. It is a rapidly changing field of marketing communication, which we tried to define and describe as much as possible. The master's thesis thus includes the theoretical placement of advertising on social networks in marketing, the practice of Facebook and Instagram advertisers of Slovenian companies, as well as the production of the ad itself. The master's thesis is the realization of how complex advertising on social networks is and that it requires a lot of knowledge and a well-prepared strategy. The master's thesis consists of theoretical and empirical work. The theoretical part includes communication in marketing, digital marketing strategy, website design, history and description of the Internet and social networks, digital advertising, and finally the production of Facebook and Instagram ads. The empirical part explores issues related to advertising through the Facebook Ads Manager, comparison with Google advertising and identification of key performance indicators for Slovenian companies. The obtained data give us answers to the questions of where the funds of Slovenian digital advertisers’ flow, which goals of Facebook campaigns are used by Slovenian companies, whether they use Facebook Pixel and whether Slovenian companies use remarketing with the help of custom audience and catalog sales. The analysis of the results is arranged according to the explanation of individual hypotheses and visually presents the data with the help of graphs and tables.
Secondary keywords: Facebook;Instagram;social media;digital advertising;online store.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 78 str.
ID: 12246531