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Andrej Praznik (Author), Gregor Omejec (Reviewer), Simona Pavlič Založnik (Mentor)


Plantarna fascija je zelo kompleksna struktura v našem telesu, ki za svojo funkcijo potrebuje veliko gibanja. Plantarni fascitis (v nadaljevanju: PF) je eden izmed najpogostejših degenerativnih procesov, ki nastane zaradi pretiranega raztezanja plantarne fascije, kar vodi v mikropoškodbe v njenem poteku ali ob njenem narastišču na petnico. Pri pregledu literature smo ugotovili, da je objavljenih veliko raziskav, opravljenih na temo zdravljenja PF z udarnimi globinskimi valovi (v nadaljevanju: UGV). Raziskave kažejo, da je terapija z UGV uspešna pri zdravljenju PF. Zdravljenje PF s terapijo UGV zmanjša bolečino, ocenjeno po vizualni analogni lestvici v povprečju s 7,6 na 2,7. V primerjavi s kortikosteroidnimi injekcijami je terapija z UGV dosegla podobne rezultate pri zmanjšanju bolečine, vendar obstajata nevarnost stranskih učinkov in kratkotrajno delovanje injekcij. Terapija z UGV je uspešnejša od laserske in ultrazvočne terapije. V primerjavi z UGV je priporočljiva tudi uporaba po meri narejenih ortopedskih vložkov. Če je konservativno zdravljenje neuspešno, priporočamo uporabo UGV, ki je varna in zanesljiva fizikalna terapija, pred operativnim posegom. Zaradi povečevanja števila bolnikov s PF bi bilo potrebnih še več raziskav v smislu zdravljenja PF z UGV ter s tem izobraževanje fizioterapevtov za izbiro najboljše tehnike in tehnologije za zdravljenje PF.


plantarni fascitis;udarni globinski valovi;uspešnost zdravljenja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Publisher: [A. Praznik]
UDC: 615.8
COBISS: 45745923 Link will open in a new window
Views: 165
Downloads: 36
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Efficacy of the plantar fasciitis treatment with the extracorporeal shock wave therapy
Secondary abstract: Plantar fasciitis is a very complex structure in our body which needs a lot of movement for its proper function. Plantar fasciitis (hereinafter: PF) is one of the most frequent degenerative processes, caused by excessive extension of plantar fascia, which leads to micro injuries in its course or next to its origin at the calcaneus recva. By examining the literature, we learned that a lot of research is published on the topic of PF treatment with extracorporeal shockwaves (hereinafter: ESWT). Research show that the ESWT is successful in treating PF. Treatment of PF with the ES therapy lessens the pain, as estimated by the visual analogue scale, approximately from 7,6 to 2,7. Compared to the corticosteroid injections, the ESWT therapy reached similar results in diminishing the pain but there could be possible dangerous side effects and short-lived effects of injections. ESWT is more successful than laser or ultrasound therapy. Compared to ESWT, the usage of orthopaedic custom-made supporters is also recommended. In case the conservative treatment is unsuccessful, we recommend the usage of ESWT, which is safe and reliable physical therapy, before undergoing an operation. Due to the constant increase of the number of patients with PF, further research would be needed in relation to PF treatment with ESWT and with that, training of physiotherapists in order to choose the best technique and technology to treat PF.
Secondary keywords: plantar fasciitis;extracorporeal shockwaves;treatment efficacy;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0020382
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Visokošolski zavod Fizioterapevtika
Pages: II, 32 str.
ID: 12255822