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Eliza Julijana Kegl (Author), Tanja Pajk Žontar (Reviewer), Petra Golja (Mentor)


Prehranska dopolnila so koncentrirani viri posameznih ali kombiniranih hranil ali drugih snovi s prehranskim ali fiziološkim učinkom, ki se tržijo v obliki »odmerka« (npr. tablete, kapsule, tekočine v izmerjenih odmerkih ipd.). V prehranskih dopolnilih je lahko prisotna široka paleta hranil in drugih sestavin, vključno z vitamini, minerali, aminokislinami, maščobnimi kislinami, prehranskimi vlakninami ter različnimi rastlinskimi in zeliščnimi ekstrakti. Nekatera prehranska dopolnila lahko povzročajo negativne in nepričakovane stranske učinke zaradi prekomerno zaužite količine, onesnaženj, interakcij z drugimi komponentami iz hrane, zdravil ali bodisi drugih prehranskih dopolnil. Prehranska dopolnila ne morejo nadomestiti pestre in raznovrstne prehrane. Zdravi posamezniki, ki kljub uživanju pestre in raznovrstne prehrane mislijo, da ne morejo zadostiti svojim potrebam po določenih snoveh, bodisi po makro- kot tudi mikro-hranilih, posežejo po prehranskih dopolnilih. V tem primeru lahko pride do prekomernega vnosa hranil in v skrajnih primerih tudi do toksičnih učinkov. S prehranskimi dopolnili sicer lahko zadostimo potrebam po raznih hranilih v primeru uživanja hranilno revne hrane. Industrija na področju proizvodnje in trženja prehranskih dopolnil je precej agresivna. Potrošniki kupijo prehransko dopolnilo, ki ga promovirajo kot učinkovitega in preprostega za uživanje, pogosto ne glede na to, ali sploh obstajajo dejanski znanstveno dokazani pozitivni učinki določenega prehranskega dopolnila. Možni negativni učinki uporabe prehranskih dopolnil pri trženju niso omenjeni in zato potrošnikom ostajajo neznani.


prehrana;prehranska dopolnila;dnevni vnos hranil;mikrohranila;vitamini;vitamin A;vitamin C;minerali;kalcij;železo;vpliv na zdravje;stranski učinki;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [E. J. Kegl]
UDC: 613.292:641.1:615.356
COBISS: 42787843 Link will open in a new window
Views: 747
Downloads: 218
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Scientifically documented effects of dietary supplements
Secondary abstract: Food supplements are a source of nutrients and other substances with a nutritional or physiological effect, and are sold in a form of »doses« (tablet, capsule, fluids in measured doses). Vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, fiber and various plant and herbal extracts can be found in food supplements. The amounts of ingested food supplements will also determine their positive, negative, or unexpected effects on our body. In the case of multiple food supplement use or the use of food supplements in combination with medicines, -different interactions between them,- can lead to increased health risks or even organ damage. Food supplements can not replace a rich and healthy diet. Healthy individuals who think that even with a rich diet they can not fulfil their nutritional needs, whether macro or micro nutrient needs, reach for food supplements. This can lead to a nutritional overdose or, in the worst case, can have toxic effects. In case of nutrient poor food consumption, dietary supplements can help to meet the needs for various nutrients. The food supplement industry is quite aggressive and the consumers mostly buy what is being promoted as effective and easy to use, mostly regardless of any scientifically proven positive effects. The goal of marketing is to sell, not to provide real positive effects to the consumers. Consequently, possible negative effects of food supplements are not mentioned in marketing and- therefore remain unknown to the consumers.
Secondary keywords: diet;dietary supplements;daily nutrient intake;micronutrients;vitamins;vitamin A;vitamin C;minerals;calcium;iron;impact on helth;side effects;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za živilstvo
Pages: VIII, 28 f.
ID: 12255899