magistrsko delo
Lucija Časar (Author), Polona Šprajc (Mentor)


Sodobna družba se v današnjih časih neprestano sooča s spremembami, zaradi česar je postalo pomembno vseživljenjsko izobraževanje in izpopolnjevanje, kjer pa igra pomembno vlogo karierna orientacija. Ta pomaga posameznikom, tako mladim kot tudi starejšim, pri upravljanju njihove kariere ter sprejemanju lažjih odločitev v povezavi z izobraževanjem, usposabljanjem in zaposlovanjem. Vendar pa se kljub tej dejavnosti, ki naj bi mlade usmerjala in jim pomagala pri pomembnih odločitvah, dogaja, da se ti soočajo z visoko stopnjo brezposelnosti. Magistrsko delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu je na podlagi pridobljene literature predstavljeno področje raziskovanja, ki se nanaša na karierno orientacijo, brezposelnost mladih in prehod mladih iz izobraževanja v delovno okolje. V empiričnem delu pa je raziskano, kakšna je karierna orientacija med mladimi s terciarno izobrazbo pri nas ter ali je ta dovolj vpeta v slovenski izobraževalni sistem. V ta namen so bili preko različnih družbenih omrežij med študente različnih fakultet razdeljeni anketni vprašalniki, s katerimi je bilo poizvedovano, koliko mladih s terciarno izobrazbo, starih med 20 in 29 let, se je v času študija sploh udeleževalo aktivnosti, povezanih z njihovo kariero, ter ali menijo, da so jim oziroma jim bodo te aktivnosti pomagale pri prehodu iz izobraževanja na trg dela. Rezultati so pokazali, da se mladi udeležujejo dejavnosti karierne orientacije in menijo, da jim bo znanje, ki so ga dobili na različnih delavnicah in izobraževanjih, pomagalo pri vstopu iz izobraževanja na trg dela. Vendar pa je bilo ugotovljeno, da je karierna orientacija premalo vpeta v slovenski izobraževalni sistem. Če bi se karierna orientacija med posamezniki aktivno izvajala že v začetku samega izobraževalnega procesa, torej v osnovnih in srednjih šolah, ne bi bilo toliko neskladnosti med ponudbo izobraženega kadra in potrebami na trgu dela. Mladi bi na ta način prej spoznali dinamiko trga dela in se tako posledično lažje ter primerneje odločali o svojih možnostih izobraževanja in zaposlovanja.


mladi;trg dela;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [L. Časar]
UDC: 331.5
COBISS: 49585155 Link will open in a new window
Views: 448
Downloads: 93
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Career orientation and the position of young people in the labor market
Secondary abstract: Our contemporary, modern society keeps facing changes, resulting in lifelong education and training becoming very important, which is where career orientation plays a vital part. It assists individuals, young as well as old, in managing their careers and simplifying making decisions connected to education, training and employment. Nevertheless, despite its efforts to guide and help young people in taking important decisions, they still face a high level of unemployment. This Paper consists of two parts: theoretical and empirical. The former, based on gathered literature, presents the area of research focusing on career orientation, unemployment of young people and their shift from the educational into the working environment. In the latter we were interested in what career orientation is like among the young people with tertiary education and whether it is encompassed enough in the Slovene educational system. To this end, by means of various social media, we distributed a survey to students of different faculties through which we wanted to find out how many young people between 20 and 29 years of age, with tertiary education attend activities connected to their career. Furthermore, we asked if they think the activities help or will help them with the shift from the educational to the working environment. The results have shown that young people in Slovenia take part in career orientation activities and think that the knowledge gained at various workshops and seminars will help them with the transition from the educational into the work environment. However, we discovered that career orientation is not included enough in the Slovene educational system. If career orientation activities were carried out among individuals more intensively at the very beginning of the educational processes, in Primary and Secondary Schools, there would not be such discrepancies between the availability of educated professionals and the needs of the employment market. In this way, young people would get acquainted with the employment market dynamics earlier and, as a result, make more appropriate decisions regarding their education and employment possibilities.  
Secondary keywords: career orientation;young people unemployment;young people with tertiary education;shift from educational to working environment;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: VIII, 89 f.
ID: 12324202
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