Burak M. Gönültaş (Author), Cristin Sauter (Author), Meral Öztürk (Author), Murat Yildiz (Author)


Purpose: The present study aims to understand whether investigation and crisis intervention processes can be coupled together in suicide attempt cases in order to mitigate secondary victimisation and whether a social worker as an interventionist can accomplish this. Design/Methods/Approach: This study relies on a literature review with the help of various databases, including PubMed, Springer Database, PsycoINFO and official national and international websites. In this study, the keywords (suicide, crisis intervention, investigation, social work, social worker) were determined for screening according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. Findings: We found 38 articles, 8 of which were categorised by the research team in several groups with a level of 92% agreement. We categorised them using the mentioned keywords and four groups emerged as a result: suicide and crisis intervention, crisis intervention and social workers, suicide and investigation, investigation and social work. Overviews of papers for each group are presented. Practical Implications: Investigative interviews and crisis intervention processes may be coupled together in cases of suicide attempts. This process holds the potential to increase the rigour and effectiveness of data collection for the case, allow experts to lend their knowledge and skills in support of each other, and provide opportunities for more comprehensive problem-solving in crises. Thus, according to the literature and practice, the output of the current study appears to be implementable. Originality/Value: The conceptual framework revealed in this study may be used as a valuable source for future studies on the topic of collaboration occurring between the investigation on one side and social and psychological crisis intervention services on the other.


suicide;crisis intervention;police;investigative interviewing;social workers;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.02 - Review Article
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
UDC: [159.9:340.6]:343.614
COBISS: 44903683 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1580-0253
Parent publication: Varstvoslovje
Views: 421
Downloads: 14
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Other data

Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Povezava preiskave in krizne intervencije v preiskovalnem intervjuju pri poskusih samomora
Secondary abstract: Namen prispevka: Namen pričujoče študije je razumeti, ali je mogoče v primerih poskusov samomora povezati preiskavo in proces krizne intervencije, da bi ublažili sekundarno viktimizacijo, in ali lahko to doseže socialni delavec kot izvajalec intervencije. Metode: Študija temelji na pregledu literature s pomočjo različnih baz podatkov, vključno s PubMed, Springer Database, PsycoINFO ter uradnimi nacionalnimi in mednarodnimi spletnimi stranmi. V skladu s Smernicami za prednostno poročanje za sistematični pregled in metaanalizo (PRISMA) smo za pregled določili naslednje ključne besede: samomor, krizna intervencija, preiskava, socialno delo, socialni delavec. Ugotovitve: Našli smo 38 člankov, od katerih jih je osem raziskovalna skupina s stopnjo strinjanja 92 % razvrstila v več skupin. Na podlagi omenjenih ključnih besed smo jih razvrstili v štiri skupine: samomor in krizno posredovanje, krizno posredovanje in socialni delavci, samomor in preiskave, preiskave in socialno delo. Predstavljeni so pregledi prispevkov za vsako skupino. Praktična uporabnost: Preiskovalni intervjuji in procesi kriznih intervencij so v primerih poskusov samomora lahko povezani. Tak postopek lahko poveča temeljitost in učinkovitost zbiranja podatkov za primer, omogoči strokovnjakom, da se medsebojno dopolnjujejo, ter nudi možnosti za celovitejše reševanje problemov v krizah. Glede na literaturo in prakso se zdi, da so ugotovitve sedanje študije izvedljive. Izvirnost/pomembnost prispevka: Predstavljeni konceptualni okvir je lahko uporaben kot dragocen vir za prihodnje študije na temo sodelovanja med preiskovanjem in službami za socialno ter psihološko krizno intervencijo.
Secondary keywords: samomor;krizna intervencija;policija;preiskovalni intervju;socialni delavci;
Type (COBISS): Scientific work
Pages: str. 329-348
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ22
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ3
Chronology: 2020
ID: 12341682
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