diplomsko delo
Petra Boc (Author), Valentina Hlebec (Mentor)


Podjetja in organizacije zaradi nenehnih sprememb in novosti pri delu ter potreb po prilagajanju, vse pogosteje organizirajo različna usposabljanja, izobraževanja in izpopolnjevanja namenjena zaposlenim. Glavni cilj teh usposabljanj je prispevati k večji produktivnosti, kakovosti in organizaciji dela. Pri presojanju in razvijanju kakovosti v organizaciji je najpomembnejše zadovoljstvo udeležencev usposabljanja, ki ga merimo s pomočjo dejavnikov kakovosti in pričakovanj udeležencev. V diplomskem delu smo s pomočjo podatkov iz anketnega vprašalnika raziskovali zadovoljstvo visokošolskih učiteljev in sodelavcev z izvedenimi usposabljanji v sklopu projekta Inovativno učenje in poučevanje v visokem šolstvu. Ugotovili smo, da so visokošolskih učitelji in sodelavci v povprečju zadovoljni z usposabljanjem kot celoto, kot tudi s posameznimi deli usposabljanja (izbor lokacije, izbor termina, enostavnost prijave na usposabljanje, dolžina usposabljanja, dinamika usposabljanja, splošno mnenje o organizaciji usposabljanja in skladnost opisa s cilji usposabljanja). Pri preverjanju razlik v zadovoljstvu z usposabljanjem kot celoto smo ugotovili, da so visokošolski učitelji bolj zadovoljni kot visokošolski sodelavci. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da so najbolj zadovoljni z usposabljanji na Univerzi v Mariboru, sledita ji Univerza na Primorskem in Univerza v Ljubljani. Nižje zadovoljstvo z usposabljanji lahko pripišemo temu, da se udeležencem niso izpolnila vsa pričakovanja, ki so jih imeli pred usposabljanjem, kar posledično vpliva na njihovo zadovoljstvo z usposabljanjem.


usposabljanje;izobraževanje;zadovoljstvo udeležencev;pričakovanja udeležencev;dejavniki kakovosti;Diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [P. Boc]
UDC: 316.472.4:004.738.5(043.2)
COBISS: 47604227 Link will open in a new window
Views: 371
Downloads: 98
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Satisfaction of higher education teachers and colleagues with training within the project Innovative learning and teaching in higher education
Secondary abstract: Due to constant changes and innovations at work and the need for adaptation, companies and organizations are more often organizing various trainings, education courses and trainings for employees. The main goal of these trainings is to contribute to higher productivity, quality and work organization. One of the most important factors in assessing and developing quality in the organization, is satisfaction of participants with training, which is measured by the quality factors and participant expectations. Our aim was to research the satisfaction of higher education teachers and colleagues, with training that was carried out as part of the project Innovative learning and teaching in higher education. We found that higher education teachers and colleagues are on average satisfied with the training as a whole, as well as with individual parts of the training (choice of location, choice of term, simplicity of registration, length of training, training dynamics, general opinion on organisation of training and consistency of description with objectives of training). When testing differences in satisfaction with training as a whole, we found that higher education teachers are more satisfied, than higher education colleagues. We also found that the most satisfied with the training are higher education teachers and colleagues at the University of Maribor, followed by the University of Primorska and the University of Ljubljana. Lower satisfaction with trainings can be attributed to the fact that the participants did not meet all the expectations they had before the training, which in turn affects their satisfaction with the training.
Secondary keywords: training;education;participant satisfaction;participant expectations;quality factors;Visokošolski učitelji;College teachers;Strokovno izobraževanje;Professional education;Usposabljanje zaposlenih;Training of employees;Graduate theses;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 93 str.
ID: 12345813