diplomsko delo
Tinka Goljevšček (Author), Primož Pevcin (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo se osredinja na analizo stanovanjske problematike med mladimi v Sloveniji. Za lažje razumevanje je v nalogi najprej podana teoretična opredelitev stanovanja in vloga, ki jo to predstavlja mladim, nato predstavljeni urejenost zakonodaje in funkcionalnost stanovanjske politike ter njenih institucij. V nadaljevanju pa je cilj prikazati razmere na nepremičninskem trgu; s poudarkom na stanovanjskem trgu in kakšne možnosti imajo mladi pri dostopanju do stanovanj ter s kakšnimi izzivi se pri tem srečujejo. S pomočjo analize statističnih podatkov so izdelani grafični prikazi, ki omogočajo nazornejšo predstavitev trenda podatkov. V raziskovalnem delu diplomskega dela je namen raziskati in predstaviti dobre prakse pri reševanju stanovanjske problematike v drugih državah. Primeri dobrih praks pokrivajo področje državnega financiranja, gradnje neprofitnih stanovanj in omejevanje najemnin. Cilj je oblikovati predloge, ki bi omogočili implementacijo predstavljenih praks v slovensko gospodarsko okolje. Ugotovitve v diplomskem delu potrjujejo, da na slovenskem nepremičninskem trgu zagotovo imamo stanovanjski problem. Posebej so temu problemu izpostavljeni mladi, ki se uvrščajo v bolj ranljivo družbeno skupino. K temu prispevajo neugodno razmerje med dohodkom mladih in ceno stanovanj, odsotnost ustrezne stanovanjske politike ter nezainteresiranost države za obravnavano področje. Uporabnost pričujoče raziskave in dela se kaže v predstavitvi predlogov, s katerimi bi država lahko po zgledih iz tujine vzpostavila boljše stanje na slovenskem stanovanjskem trgu, poleg tega delo še dodatno ozavešča o stanovanjskem vprašanju, ki je zagotovo ena najbolj perečih tem med mladimi.


nepremičninski trg;stanovanjski problem;stanovanjske razmere;mladi;Slovenija;EU;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FU - Faculty of Administration
Publisher: [T. Goljevšček]
UDC: 332.821:332.85-053.81
COBISS: 45243395 Link will open in a new window
Views: 466
Downloads: 134
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Housing options and solutions for young people based on practices from abroad
Secondary abstract: The thesis is oriented on analysis of housing problematics amongst young people in Slovenia. For better understanding, the following concepts are explained: theoretical definition of housing and the role, which this definition presents to young people, orientation of legislation, functionality of housing policy and its institutions. In the continuation the goal is to show the situation on real estate market, with emphasis on possibility of young people to solve their accommodation. After analyzing statistical data, graphic display is made for more vivid presentation. In the research part of the thesis, the goal is to research and display good practice of housing problematics in other countries. This practice covers the area of government financing, non-profit apartments and apartment rent limitation. The goal is to determine the ways, which would enable implementation of these good practices into Slovenian economy. Findings in the thesis will certainly confirm, that in fact there is a housing problem in Slovenia. Much more so, when it comes to young people as a part of a more vulnerable social group. Contributing to this fact is the big difference between young people's income and the prices on the real estate market. Next factor is non-existent housing strategy and overall lack of interest from the Slovenian government. Overall value of the thesis is expressed in introduction of many solutions and good practices, with which our government could improve the overall state of Slovenian real estate situation with examples from other EU countries. Besides this, the thesis is additionally raising awareness about the housing issue, which is for certain amongst the most critical ones in society.
Secondary keywords: real estate market;housing problem;housing conditions;youth;Slovenia;EU;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000529
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za upravo
Pages: IX, 57 str.
ID: 12349028