magistrsko delo
Sebastijan Lamut (Author), Ivan Kos (Reviewer), Miha Krofel (Mentor), Miha Krofel (Thesis defence commission member), Ivan Kos (Thesis defence commission member), Primož Zidar (Thesis defence commission member)


Zlati šakal (Canis aureus) je vrsta, ki se v zadnjih letih pogosteje pojavlja pri nas, poleg tega pa se razširja izven svojega znanega življenjskega prostora na nova območja po Evropi. Ena od metod, s katero spremljamo populacije šakalov, je izzivanje oglašanja s predvajanjem posnetka zavijanja šakalov (t.i. akustična metoda). Z raziskavo smo ocenili nekatere vplive na zaznavo odzivov teritorialnih skupin pri nas in v Republiki Hrvaški. Skušali smo ovrednotiti vpliv sezone, diurnalne aktivnosti, razdalje med odzivnimi šakali in poslušalci, vegetacije, habituacije šakalov na pretekla izzivanja ter lastnosti posnetkov na našo zaznavanje oglašanja teritorialnih skupin, kar je bilo do sedaj slabo raziskano. Pri svojem delu smo s terenskimi sodelavci popisali približno 86 km2 območja v Beli krajini, 33 km2 površine na Ljubljanskem barju in 135 km2 na Lonjskem polju, pri čemer smo popise v slovenskem delu raziskovalnega območja večkrat ponovili. S svojim delom smo smo pridobili informacije za izboljšavo osnovne metode in predlagati nekatere vidike nadaljnjim raziskavam na temo akustičnih značilnosti te vrste. S svojimi izsledki potrjujemo domneve o teritorialni funkciji odziva ter njegovo dinamiko glede na sezono, uporabo posnetka in pogostost predvajanj. Preučili smo tudi nekatere vplive vegetacije na našo sposobnost zaznave odziva, kot tudi ovrednotili napake človeških ocen razdalje (in smeri) ter predlagali smernice za bodoče popise. Kjer je to mogoče in zahtevano, predlagamo tehnološko dovršeno rešitev zaznave s snemalniki oziroma tako imenovano pasivno akustično metodo, dopolnjeno z analizami zvočnih spektrogramov za bolj natančna preučevanja.


zlati šakal;ekologija;akustična metoda;teritorialne skupine;spremljanje populacij;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [S. Lamut]
UDC: 599.744.111.3(043.2)
COBISS: 51415555 Link will open in a new window
Views: 378
Downloads: 57
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂoptimization of the acoustic method for monitoring the golden jackal populations
Secondary abstract: The golden jackal (Canis aureus) is a species that has arisen more often in the recent years in Slovenia and is also expanding outside its known habitat to new areas around Europe. One of the methods of monitoring the population of the jackal is provoking the sound of the jackals by playing a recording of the jackal howling (i.e. the acoustic method). The research assesses some of the influences on the detection of the territorial groups’ responses in the Republic of Slovenia and in the Republic of Croatia. It also tries to evaluate the influence of the season, diurnal activity, the distance between the responsive jackals and the listeners, vegetation, habituation of the jackals on the past provoking and the characteristics of recordings on our detection of the sounds of the territorial groups, which was poorly researched until now. Within our work with the field colleagues, we surveyed approximately 86 km2 of area in the Bela krajina region, 33 km2 of surface in the Ljubljansko barje regional park and 135 km2 at Lonjsko polje in Croatia, with several repetitions of surveys in the Slovene part of the researched area. Our work tries to point to certain improvements of the basic method and propose some aspects for the future researches in the field of acoustic characteristics of this species. The results confirm the suppositions on the territorial function of the response and its dynamics considering the season, the use of the recording and the frequency of plays. Some influences of the vegetation on our ability to detect the response was also studied, the error of human assessment of the distance (and direction) was evaluated and the guidelines for future use of this method were proposed as well. Where it is possible and required, we propose a technologically perfected solution for detection with recorders or the so called passive acoustic method upgraded with analyses of the acoustic spectrograms for more detailed studies.
Secondary keywords: golden jackal;ecology;acoustic method;territorial groups;populations monitoring;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Biotehniška fak.
Pages: X, 63, [3] f.
ID: 12349036
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