diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Informacijska varnost
Blerta Bajrami (Author), Bojan Dobovšek (Mentor)


Hibridna ogrožanja, kot izredno kompleksen pojem in pojav predstavljajo nevarnost demokratičnim in informacijsko podprtim sodobnim državam, ki so s širitvijo globalnega omrežja postale ranljivejše. Hibridna ogrožanja predstavljajo uporabo sinhrono povezanih konvencionalnih in neregularnih, terorističnih in kriminalnih aktivnosti s cilji političnih, ekonomskih, gospodarskih in ozemeljskih interesov ter z vplivom na javno mnenje prebivalstva. Zaskrbljujoče je dejstvo, da se hibridno ogrožanje naglo povečuje, tako v Evropi kot v Sloveniji. Iz tega izhaja potreba po vzpostavitvi učinkovitega modela prepoznavanja in odzivanja na hibridno ogrožanje. Pri tem je nujno izboljšati ozaveščenost na področju hibridnega ogrožanja in zagotavljanja informacijske varnosti tako v organizacijah kot državah. S tem bi izboljšali tudi sistem prepoznavanja hibridnega ogrožanja ter ustreznega odziva nanje. Za učinkovitejše odzivanje na hibridna ogrožanja je prav tako nujno sodelovanje med državami, predvsem kot povezovanje v aktivnostih razumevanja hibridnega ogrožanja, njihovi identifikaciji ter celostnim pristopom zaščite. Pomembno se je osredotočiti na zaščito kritične infrastrukture, ki omogoča nemoteno delovanje vsake države in je tudi najpogostejša tarča hibridnega ogrožanja. Učinkovit model prepoznavanja in odzivanja na hibridno ogrožanje je osredotočen tako na zaščito kritične infrastrukture države, kot na celostno povezan sistem, ki bo deloval na vseh nivojih delovanja v državi in izven njenih meja. V celostnem modelu prepoznavanja in odzivanja na hibridno ogrožanje pa je potrebno usklajeno in skladno delovanje vseh pomembnih deležnikov, ki so zadolženi za nacionalno varnost.


diplomske naloge;hibridno vojskovanje;hibridna ogrožanja;informacijska varnost;varnostna tveganja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: [B. Bajrami]
UDC: 316.472.4:004.7(043.2)
COBISS: 45785347 Link will open in a new window
Views: 537
Downloads: 106
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Hybrid threats and information security
Secondary abstract: As an extremely complex concept and phenomenon, hybrid threats pose a threat to democratic and information-supported modern countries, which have become more vulnerable with the expansion of the global network. Hybrid threats represent the use of synchronously linked conventional and irregular, terrorist and criminal activities, with the objectives of political, economic, economic and territorial interests and the impact on public opinion. The fact that hybrid threats are rapidly increasing, both in Europe and in Slovenia, is worrying. This creates a need to establish an effective model for identifying and responding to hybrid threats. In doing so, there is an urgent need to improve awareness of hybrid threats and information security in both organisations and countries. This would also improve the system for identifying and responding to hybrid threats. Cooperation between countries is also essential for a more effective response to hybrid threats, especially as a link in activities to understand hybrid threats, their identification and an integrated approach to protection. It is important to focus on protecting the critical infrastructure that enables the smooth operation of any country and is also the most common target of hybrid threats. An effective model for identifying and responding to hybrid threats focuses on both the protection of the country's critical infrastructure and an integrated system that will operate at all levels of operation in the country and beyond. A comprehensive model for identifying and responding to hybrid threats requires coordinated and coherent action by all relevant stakeholders in charge of national security.
Secondary keywords: hybrid warfare;hybrid threats;information security;security risks;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: VII, 55 str.
ID: 12352433
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