Amir Muratović (Author)


Spomladi leta 2016 sta bila odprta dva razpisa RTV Slovenija, povezana z Ivanom Cankarjem (1876-1918). Ob 100-letnici njegove smrti decembra 2018 so želeli predvajati celovečerni dokumentarni film, hkrati pa so razpisali natečaj za treatment igranega filma o Cankarju. To me je spodbudilo, da sem začel razmišljati, kako bi bil videti igrani film o pisateljevem življenju. Scenarij sem poskušal sestaviti predvsem iz Cankarjevih del, korespondence, ki jo je imel s svojimi najdražjimi, ter iz številnih objavljenih spominskih pričevanj. Besedilo se osredotoča predvsem na razmerji z Albino in Steffi Löffler, s katerima je na Dunaju preživel skoraj deset let. Dotika pa se tudi nekaterih drugih trenutkov iz Cankarjevega življenja, ki so bili podlaga za filmski scenarij.


biografski film;filmski scenarij;Cankar;Ivan;1876-1918;Löffler;Steffi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.08 - Published Scientific Conference Contribution
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
UDC: 791.632:792.026
COBISS: 67160930 Link will open in a new window
Views: 336
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In the Spring of 2016, two calls for proposals connected with Ivan Cankar (1876-1918) were made by RTV Slovenija. The aim was to broadcast a feature length documentary in December 2018 to mark the centenary of his death, while at the same time to open a competition for a treatment for a feature film about Cankar. This prompted me to start thinking about what shape a film about the writer's life should take. I tried to put together a script primarily from Cankar's works, from his correspondence with those closest to him, and from a number of published testimonies. The text focuses above all on the relationship with Albina and Steffi Löffler, with whom he lived for almost ten years in Vienna. It also touches upon some other moments in Cankar's life that formed the basis for a script.
Secondary keywords: iographical films;script;
Pages: Str. 62-70
DOI: 10.4312/SSJLK.54.62-70
ID: 12352487
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