Prva svetovna vojna je imela daljnosežne posledice tudi na področju varstva kulturne dediščine. Ustanove, ki so skrbele za posamezne vrste kulturnozgodovinskih zbirk, so bile najprej spričo vojnega stanja prisiljene korenito prilagoditi svoje vsakdanje delovanje, po koncu vojne pa so se mnoge, še posebej tiste v novo oblikovanih državah, znašle v popolnoma spremenjenih razmerah. V tem času je bil na Kranjskem ena ključnih osebnosti spomeniškega varstva v najširšem smislu direktor Deželnega muzeja Josip Mantuani. Takoj po zaključku vojne je izdelal poročilo, v katerem je orisal celovit sistem varovanja kulturnozgodovinskih zbirk na novem, združenem slovenskem ozemlju. Čeprav so bile predstavljene splošne smernice, ki bi morale biti v nadaljevanju še podrobneje razdelane, se izkaže, da so se kulturnozgodovinske zbirke na Slovenskem kasneje dejansko razvijale v smeri, ki jo je v svojem poročilu začrtal Mantuani leta 1918.
umetnostni zgodovinarji;kulturna zgodovina;spomeniško varstvo;muzeji;prva svetovna vojna;Mantuani;Josip;1860-1933;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2018 |
Typology: |
1.08 - Published Scientific Conference Contribution |
Organization: |
UL FF - Faculty of Arts |
UDC: |
069(497.4):929Mantuani J. |
Views: |
318 |
Downloads: |
101 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary abstract: |
The First World War had long-term consequences for the protection of cultural heritage. Due to the war, institutions caring for various cultural-historical collections were forced to change their everyday mode of functioning, while after the war many, especially those in the newly formed states, found themselves in totally changed circumstances. At this time in Carniola one of the key figures involved in such protection in the widest sense was the director of the Provincial Museum, Josip Mantuani. As soon as the war ended he produced a report in which he described the whole system of the protection of cultural heritage in the newly unified Slovene territory. Although only general guidlines were presented, which would later need to be worked on in more detail, it is the case that cultural-historical collections in Slovene lands later developed in line with the guidelines that Mantuani sketched out in his report in 1918. |
Secondary keywords: |
art historians;cultural history;monument protection;museums;First World War; |
Pages: |
Str. 90-97 |
DOI: |
10.4312/SSJLK.54.90-97 |
ID: |
12352490 |