
Prekmurje je kot tema in dogajalni prostor prisotno v več sodobnih slovenskih romanih. V prispevku sem analizirala štiri romane Miška Kranjca in Ferija Lainščka: Povest o dobrih ljudeh in Mladost v močvirju ter Ki jo je megla prinesla in Ločil bom peno od valov. Prvega pisatelja sem izbrala zato, ker je Prekmurje zasidral v številne romane, drugega pa, ker je to pokrajino v najnovejšem slovenskem romanu največkrat tematiziral. Kranjec je v prvem romanu Prekmurje poimenoval svet ob Muri in ga prilagodil pravljični perspektivi, fantastičnosti in idealizirani lirizaciji, v drugem pa močvirje, upodobljeno z realističnimi podobami revnega, krutega in neperspektivnega področja. Tej radikalni dvojnosti se približujeta tudi Lainščkova romana: prvi roman se dogaja v močvirju, v katerem vlada boj med dobrim in zlim, drugi pa v svetu ob Muri, ki kljub realističnim podobam predvojne Murske Sobote poudari magično usodnost reke in pokrajine ter "Kranjčevo triado" dobrota-ljubezen-lepota.


slovenska književnost;slovenski pisatelji;Prekmurje;sodobni slovenski roman;svet ob Muri;Kranjec;Miško;1908-1983;"Povest o dobrih ljudeh";"Mladost v močvirju";Lainšček;Feri;1959-;"Ki jo je megla prinesla";"Ločil bom peno od valov";


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.08 - Published Scientific Conference Contribution
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
UDC: 821.163.6.09Kranjec M.
COBISS: 69771618 Link will open in a new window
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: As a theme and a setting, Prekmurje is present in a number of contemporary Slovene novels. This contribution analyses four novels by Miško Kranjec and Feri Lainšček: Povest o dobrih ljudeh (A Tale of Good People) and Mladost v močvirju (Youth in the Swamp); and Ki jo je megla prinesla (The Woman Carried in by the Fog) and Ločil bom peno od valov (I Will Divide the Foam from the Waves). I chose the first author because Prekmurje is firmly present in many of his novels and the second because he is the contemporary novelist who has most often thematised this landscape. In his first novel Kranjec referred to Prekmurje as the world by the Mura and adapted it to a fairy-tale perspective, the fantastic and idealised lyricism; in his second as a swamp, presented through realistic images as a poor and cruel area without future. This radical duality is also approached by the two Lainšček novels: the first is set in a swamp where a battle between good and evil is taking place, the second in the world by the Mura, which in spite of realistic images of pre-war Murska Sobota emphasises the magical fatefulness of the river and landscape, as well as Kranjec's triad of goodness-love-beauty.
Secondary keywords: Slovene literature;Slovene writers;contemporary Slovene novel;the world by the Mura;
Pages: Str. 63-70
DOI: 10.4312/SSJLK.55.63-70
ID: 12352504
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