magistrsko delo št.: 157/II. GR
Domen Štihec (Author), Tomo Cerovšek (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu se ukvarjam s povezovanjem dveh različnih avtorskih okolij, ki se uporabljata pri uvajanju pristopa informacijskega modeliranja zgradb (BIM) v proces načrtovanja infrastrukturnih objektov. Pri tem se osredotočam v glavnem na povezovanje računalniških programov Civil 3D in Revit, ki se trenutno še vedno najpogosteje uporabljata pri projektiranju linijskih (Civil 3D) in diskretnih (Revit) parametričnih objektov. Kot povezovalni člen med avtorskima okoljema Civil 3D in Revit uporabljam dodatek k Revitu - Dynamo, ki služi kot orodje za vizualno programiranje, in Dynamo paket - CivilConnection, ki omogoča vzpostavljanje direktne, dinamične in avtomatizirane povezave med odprtima sejama obeh avtorskih okolij. Magistrsko delo je razdeljeno na šest večjih poglavij, pri čemer so drugo, tretje in četrto poglavje bolj teoretične narave, v petem poglavju pa je predstavljen delovni proces prenosa geometrijskih in negeometrijskih informacij izbranega infrastrukturnega objekta med obema avtorskima okoljema. Delovni proces s primerom je razdeljen na tri dele: vloge in odgovornosti pri infrastrukturnem BIM projektu, tehnologija in konkretni delovni proces s podprocesi. Zaradi različne narave infrastrukturnih objektov predlagani delovni proces in podprocesi, ki jih predstavljam, služijo zgolj za opis zaokroženih korakov, s katerimi opisujem, kako bi bilo možno uporabiti Dynamo in paket CivilConnection v procesu povezovanja Civil 3D in Revita pri načrtovanju infrastrukturnih gradenj. Delovni proces je predstavljen na primeru premostitvenega objekta škatlastega profila.


gradbeništvo;magistrska dela;GR;BIM;interoperabilnost;Civil 3D;Revit;Dynamo;CivilConnection;informacijsko modeliranje zgradb;BIM model;linijski objekti;diskretni objekti;dinamična povezava;avtomatizacija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [D. Štihec]
UDC: 004:69(497.4)(043.3)
COBISS: 35164163 Link will open in a new window
Views: 577
Downloads: 233
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Interoperability of BIM tools in parametric design of infrastructure objects
Secondary abstract: In my master's thesis I deal with the integration of two different authoring platforms used in the process of building information modeling (BIM) of infrastructure objects. I focus mainly on the integration of the Civil 3D and Revit computer programs, which remain the most commonly used programs in the design of linear (Civil 3D) and discrete (Revit) parametric objects. I use an add-on for Revit, called Dynamo, which serves as a connecting link and a visual programming tool, and Dynamo package - CivilConnection, which allows the establishment of a direct, dynamic, and automated connection between open sessions of both authoring platforms. The master's thesis is divided into six major sections, with the second, third and fourth being of a more theoretical nature, while the fifth presents the workflow of transferring geometric and non-geometric information of the selected infrastructure objects between the two authoring platforms. The workflow (including the example) is divided into three parts: roles and responsibilities in the infrastructure BIM project, technology, and a work process with subprocesses. Due to the different natures of infrastructure objects, the presented workflow serves only as a description of the general steps that describe potential usage of the Dynamo and CivilConnection package in the process of connecting Civil 3D and Revit in infrastructure design. The workflow is demonstrated with an example of a box-profile bridge structure.
Secondary keywords: civil engineering;master thesis;interoperability;Civil 3D;Revit;Dynamo;CivilConnection;building information modeling;BIM model;linear objects;discrete objects;dynamic connection;automation;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XX, 83 str.
ID: 12379710