magistrsko delo št.: 113/II. GIG
Robert Brglez (Author), Miran Kuhar (Mentor), Božo Koler (Co-mentor)


V magistrskem delu smo za potrebe kontrole kakovosti nove višinske referenčne ploskve na območju Ljubljane izbrali določeno število reperjev mestne nivelmanske mreže in reperjev državne nivelmanske mreže (novi 1. red) in jih razporedili po območju Ljubljane tako, da tvorijo približno celično mrežo velikosti 1 x 1 kilometer. Na teh reperjih smo s kombinacijo RTK-GNSS meritev in geometričnim nivelmanom določili vrednosti geoidnih višin. Te smo primerjali z interpoliranimi vrednosti iz uradnega modela višinske referenčne ploskve. Primerjavo smo opravili tudi z višinami teh točk v starem višinskem sistemu SVS2000 in starem modelu geoida SLO_AMG2000. Predstavili smo teoretično osnovo za kontrolo kakovosti višinske referenčne ploskve, potek izbora ustreznih reperjev ter grafično in numerično analizirali pridobljene rezultate. Prikazali smo razlike med izmerjenimi in interpoliranimi geoidnimi višinami iz novega modela geoida (SLO_VRP2016/Koper) za obravnavano območje Ljubljane ter jih interpretirali. Rezultati primerjave na novi višinski referenčni ploskvi SLO_VRP2016/Koper so pokazali, da so na obravnavanem območju Ljubljane povprečne razlike geoidnih višin -1,6 cm. V ta izračun je bilo vključenih 56 izmerjenih reperjev. Maksimalna vrednost razlike geoidnih višin je 4,0 cm na reperju 22/2, minimalna vrednost pa % 9,1 cm na reperju 40/23. Ugotovili smo, da se SLO_VRP2016/Koper dobro ujema z vrednostmi geoidnih višin, ki so določene z meritvami.


geodezija;magistrska dela;GIG;kvazigeoid;višinska referenčna ploskev;geoidna višina;GNSS višinomerstvo;elipsoidna višina;interpolacija;kakovost;SLO_VRP2016/Koper;SLO_AMG2000;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [R. Brglez]
UDC: 528.235(497.4)(043.3)
COBISS: 37525763 Link will open in a new window
Views: 693
Downloads: 180
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Height reference surface (SLO_VRP2016/Koper) on the area of Ljubljana
Secondary abstract: In the master thesis we selected a certain number of benchmarks of the city leveling network and benchmarks of the state leveling network (new 1st order) for the needs of quality control of the new height reference surface on the area of Ljubljana distributed over the area so that they form approximately a cell network of size 1 x 1 kilometer. On these benchmarks, we determined the values of geoid heights with a combination of RTK-GNSS measurements and geometric leveling. These were compared with the interpolated values from the official model of the height reference surface. We also made a comparison with the heights of these points in the old vertical system SVS2000 and the old model of the geoid SLO_AMG2000. We presented the theoretical basis for quality control of the height reference surface, the selection process of appropriate benchmarks and graphically and numerically analyzed the obtained results. We presented the differences between the measured and interpolated geoid heights from the new geoid model (SLO_VRP2016 / Koper) for the considered area of Ljubljana and interpreted them. The results of the comparison on the new height reference surface SLO_VRP2016 / Koper showed that in the considered area of Ljubljana the average differences of geoid heights are -1.6 cm. 56 measured benchmarks were included in this calculation. The maximum value of the difference in geoid heights is 4.0 cm on the benchmark 22/2, and the minimum value is 9.1 cm on the benchmark 40/23. We found that SLO_VRP2016 / Koper matches well with the values of geoid heights, which are determined by measurements.
Secondary keywords: geodesy;master thesis;quasi-geoid;height reference surface;geoid height;GNSS altimetry;ellipsoidal height;interpolation;quality;SLO_VRP2016/Koper;SLO_AMG2000;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: X, 41 str. 5 str. pril.
ID: 12379712
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