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Ana Japelj (Author), Gregor Osterc (Mentor)


Leta 2019 smo v plastenjaku Biotehniške fakultete, Oddelka za agronomijo v Ljubljani postavili poskus s štirimi različnimi sortami s štirimi ponovitvami. Želeli smo preveriti kako se sorte ('Kozjak', 'Avbar') evropskega pravega kostanja razmnožujejo v primerjavi s sortami, ki so križanci med evropskim pravim kostanjem in japonskim kostanjem ('Marsol' in 'Maraval'). Uporabili smo 12 cm dolge vršne potaknjence. Najprej smo potaknjence tretirali s hormonom avksinom. Nato smo jih potikali v mešanico peska in šote v razmerju 1:1, ki smo mu dodali počasi topno gnojilo Osmocote. Po končani rastni dobi smo potaknjence ocenili. Ocenili smo več različnih parametrov: koreninjenje, dolžino poganjkov, preživetje, izmerili kalus. Najbolje je koreninila sorta 'Maraval' (22,4 %), najslabše pa sta koreninili sorti 'Avbar' in 'Kozjak' (6,6 %). Največ kalusa je razvila sorta 'Avbar' (67,2 %), najmanj pa sorta 'Marsol' (15,7 %). Sorti 'Avbar' in 'Kozjak' sta koreninili le bazalno, medtem ko sta sorti 'Marsol' in 'Maraval' koreninili tudi akrobazalno. Prav tako je bil največji razvoj kalusa in korenin pri sorti 'Avbar'. Povprečno število korenin je bilo največje pri sorti 'Maraval' in 'Marsol' (2,1 - 2,3). Najdaljši koreninski šop smo izmerili pri sorti 'Kozjak' (20,5 cm). Pri sorti 'Maraval' smo izmerili 11,2 cm povprečni prirast poganjkov. Povprečno število poganjkov je bilo največje pri sortah 'Maraval' in 'Kozjak' (2,5 in 2,3).


sadjarstvo;pravi kostanj;zeleni potaknjenci;Avbar;Kozjak;Marsol;Maraval;vegetativno razmnoževanje;vršni potaknjenci;meglenje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [A. Japelj]
UDC: 634.53:631.532(043.2)
COBISS: 53855747 Link will open in a new window
Views: 621
Downloads: 80
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Propagation success of sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) and a hybrid species (Castanea crenata x Castanea sativa Mill.) with green cuttings
Secondary abstract: In 2019, we set up an experiment with four different cultivars with four replicates in a greenhouse of the Biotechnical Faculty Department of Agronomy in Ljubljana. We wanted to check how the cultivars ('Kozjak', 'Avbar') of the European chestnut are propagated in comparison with the cultivars that are hybrids between the European chestnut and the Japanese chestnut ('Marsol’ and' ‘Maraval '). We used 12 cm long top cuttings. The cuttings were first treated with the hormone auxin. Then they were put them into a 1: 1 mixture of sand and peat, to which we added the slowly soluble Osmocote fertilizer. After the end of the growing season, the cuttings were evaluated. We evaluated several different parameters: rooting, shoot length, survival, measured callus. The cultivar 'Maraval' had the best rooting (22.4 %), while the varieties 'Avbar' and 'Kozjak' had the worst rooting (6.6 %). The most callus was developed by the cultivar 'Avbar' (67.2 %), and the least by the cultivar 'Marsol' (15.7 %). Varieties 'Avbar' and 'Kozjak' rooted only basally, while cultivars 'Marsol' and 'Maraval' also rooted acrobasally. It was also the largest callus and root development in the ‘Avbar’ cultivar. The average number of roots was highest in the cultivars 'Maraval' and 'Marsol' (2.1-2.3). The longest root bunch was measured in the cultivar 'Kozjak' (20.5 cm). In the cultivar 'Maraval', we measured an average shoot growth of 11.2 cm. The average number of shoots was highest in the cultivars 'Maraval' and 'Kozjak' (2.5 and 2.3).
Secondary keywords: fruit growing;chestnut;green cuttings;vegetative propagation;apical cuttings;fog-system;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za agronomijo
Pages: IX, 35 f.
ID: 12388728