magistrsko delo
Kaja Sušnik (Author), Damir Karpljuk (Reviewer), Vedran Hadžić (Consultant), Mateja Videmšek (Mentor)


V magistrski nalogi smo raziskovali vpliv telesne dejavnosti na potek nosečnosti in poroda. Vzorec je vključeval 77 nosečnic v obdobju 1 meseca po porodu. Kriterij za delitev v dve skupini je bila pogostost, intenzivnost, količina in tip telesne dejavnosti. Prva, eksperimentalna skupina obsega 44 telesno dejavnih nosečnic, ki so bile med nosečnostjo vsaj štirikrat tedensko telesno dejavne več kot 30 minut na vadbeno enoto. Intenzivnost na vadbeni enoti je bila vsaj srednja; poleg hoje so izbrale še eno vrsto telesne dejavnosti. Druga, kontrolna skupina je obsegala 33 žensk, ki so bile med nosečnostjo telesno dejavne trikrat tedensko ali manj ter 30 minut ali manj na vadbeno enoto; intenzivnost je bila lahka; izbrale niso nobene ali samo eno vrsto telesne dejavnosti. Podatki so bili obdelani z računalniškim paketom IBM SPSS 25. Vse hipoteze smo preverjali na ravni 5 odstotkov statističnega tveganja (p ≤ 0,05). Na podlagi pridobljenih rezultatov in statistične analize smo lahko potrdili le prvo hipotezo: telesna dejavnost med nosečnostjo ne vpliva na trajanje nosečnosti. Ostalih pet hipotez, ki navajajo, da telesna dejavnost med nosečnostjo zmanjšuje skupno pridobljeno telesno maso ženske v nosečnosti, poveča telesno maso novorojenčka, skrajšuje čas trajanja poroda in zmanjšuje možnost zapletov, zmanjšuje stopnjo bolečine po VAS lestvici ter vpliva na manjšo uporabo sredstev za lajšanje porodnih bolečin, nismo mogli potrditi, saj med preiskovanima skupinama ni statistično značilnih razlik. Telesna dejavnosti torej nima glavnega vpliva na potek nosečnosti in poroda. Pomemben je tudi zdrav način življenja, kjer so vsakodnevno na jedilniku zdrava prehrana, dobro psihično počutje brez uživanja škodljivih substanc v kombinaciji z redno telesno dejavnostjo.


šport;nosečnost;nosečnice;telesne spremembe;težave;ogrožene nosečnosti;rizične nosečnosti;telesna dejavnost;porod;anketa;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FŠ - Faculty of Sport
Publisher: [K. Robič]
UDC: 796.01-055.26
COBISS: 57452291 Link will open in a new window
Views: 505
Downloads: 186
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Effect of physical activity during pregnancy on the pregnancy and birth outcome
Secondary abstract: This master's thesis focuses on the influence of physical activity in the course of pregnancy and childbirth. The sample included 77 pregnant women in the one-month period after childbirth. The criteria for division into two groups were frequency, intensity, time and type of physical activity. The first, experimental group comprised of 44 pregnant women who were physically active for more than 30 minutes per exercise unit at least four times a week during pregnancy. The intensity on the exercise unit was at least medium. In addition to walking, they chose another type of physical activity. The second, control group consisted of 33 women who were physically active three times a week or less during pregnancy and 30 minutes or less per exercise unit. The intensity was light but they chose none or only one type of physical activity. Data were processed with the IBM SPSS 25 computer package. All hypotheses were tested on the level of 5-percent statistical risk (p ≤ 0.05). Based on the obtained results and statistical analysis, we could only confirm the first hypothesis: physical activity during pregnancy does not affect the duration of pregnancy. The other five hypotheses that state that physical activity during pregnancy reduces a woman's total body weight during pregnancy increases the weight of the newborn, shortens the duration of labor and reduces the possibility of complications, reduces the level of pain on the VAS scale, and reduces the use of painkillers could not be confirmed as there are no statistically significant differences between the study groups. Physical activity, therefore, has no major impact on the course of pregnancy and childbirth. It is important to have a healthy lifestyle where a healthy diet and mental well-being without the use of harmful substances in combination with regular physical activity is a part of every day.
Secondary keywords: sport;pregnancy;sport activity;childbirth;questionnaire;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport
Pages: 87 str.
ID: 12388738