magistrsko delo
Erica Kovač (Author), Mojca Urek (Mentor)


Tematika spolnih zlorab otrok ter odraslih preživelih žrtev je še vedno pereč problem v slovenski družbi ter tudi na globalni ravni. Posledice, ki jih odrasle preživele žrtve utrpijo, imajo velik vpliv na njihovo življenje na vseh področjih. Zato je potreben proces okrevanja in soočenja z lastnimi travmami, to pa zahteva veliko vztrajnosti, moči in poguma na njihovi poti opolnomočenja. Naloga opisuje družbeno zgodovinski pregled pojava spolne zlorabe z vidika teoretičnih modelov in konceptualnih okvirov zlorabe otrok, zakonodajo na področju spolnega nasilja, oblike spolnih zlorab in dinamiko spolne zlorabe med storilcem in žrtvijo. V nalogi izvedena kvalitativna raziskava nam pomaga natančneje prikazati načine spolne zlorabe v otroštvu in tudi v odraslosti ter spekter posledic, ki so jih odrasle preživele žrtve utrpele pri tem. Razkriva nam, kdo je bil storilec, kje in kako se je spolna zloraba dogajala, kako je prišlo do razkritja, kakšni so bili odzivi bližnjih ter kakšno strategijo preživetja so preživele žrtve uporabile. Prikaže pa nam tudi, na kakšen način so preživele žrtve okrevale in kakšno vlogo glede podpore so pri tem igrali njihovi starši in bližnji. Raziskava pa se dotakne tudi trenutnega položaja pojava spolne zlorabe v družbi ter virov ozaveščanja in preventivnih programov na sistemski ravni.


spolne zlorabe;odrasle žrtve nasilja;travme;okrevanje;posledice spolne zlorabe;storilci;spolno nasilje;strategije preživetja;oblike pomoči;zakonodaja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Publisher: [E. Kovač]
UDC: 364.62:343.541-058.68
COBISS: 51450371 Link will open in a new window
Views: 349
Downloads: 192
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Recovery of Adult Survivors of Sexual Abuse in Childhood from the Point of View of (Non)Supportive Non-Abusive Close Relatives
Secondary abstract: The subject of sexual abuse of children and adult survivors is still a serious issue in Slovenian society and globally as well. The consequences that adult survivors have suffered, have a major impact on all fields of their lives. Therefore, a process of recovery and coping with personʹs own traumas is needed, and this requires a lot of perseverance, strength, and courage on their path to empowerment. The thesis describes a social-historical overview of the phenomenon of sexual abuse in terms of theoretical models and conceptual frameworks of child abuse, legislation in the field of sexual violence, forms of sexual abuse and the dynamics of sexual abuse between perpetrator and victim. The qualitative research that was conducted in the thesis, helps us elaborating the ways of sexual abuse in childhood and also in adulthood. It shows the spectrum of consequences that adult survivors of sexual abuse have suffered. It reveals to us, who was the perpetrator, where and how the sexual abuse took place, how the disclosure came about, what were the reactions of close ones, relatives , and what survival strategy victims used. Furthermore, the research also points out the ways the victims recovered and what role their parents and other important, close ones played in terms of support. The research also describes the current situation regarding the phenomenon of sexual abuse in society, and available sources of awareness raising and prevention programs at systemic level.
Secondary keywords: sexual abuse;victims;consequences of sexual abuse;survival strategies;recovery and support;legislation;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za socialno delo
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (320 str.))
ID: 12388746
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