magistrsko delo
Marko Kovše (Author), Jana Mali (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu raziskujem staranje v skupnosti. V teoretičnem delu predstavim starost in staranje, storitve, programe in organizacije, ki pripomorejo h kakovostnejšemu staranju, ter potrebe v starosti. Prav tako opišem pojem socialno delo s starimi ljudmi in opredelim pojem skupnostnega socialnega dela. Izpostavim problematiko staranja celotnega prebivalstva in izpostavim statistične podatke o staranju za občino Zreče. V raziskovalnem delu se osredotočam na potrebe starih ljudi v občini Zreče in raziščem, katere vrste pomoči so na omenjenem območju že na voljo. V tem delu predstavim tudi opravljeno kvalitativno raziskavo, ki temelji na skupinskem intervjuju. Namen raziskave je pridobiti rezultate, ki bodo služili občini Zreče predvsem kot podlaga za načrtovanje koncepta v smeri izboljšanja položaja starih ljudi na omenjenem območju. Prav tako se bodo s pridobljenimi rezultati lahko izboljšale in okrepile že obstoječe storitve. Raziskava bo predstavljena tudi na eni izmed sej odbora "Starejšim prijazna občina Zreče". Ugotovil sem, da se načini življenja sogovornikov precej razlikujejo: eni živijo bolj umirjeno, drugi malo manj. Pomoč potrebujejo predvsem pri fizičnih opravilih in spopadanju s sodobno tehnologijo. Prav tako si sogovorniki želijo več druženja z ljudmi in boljšo finančno podporo. Sogovornikom največ pomeni dobro zdravstveno stanje in druženje z ostalimi. Udeleženci raziskave obdobje starosti sprejemajo pozitivno in imajo o starosti dobro mnenje. Glavni težavi, s katerimi se sogovorniki srečujejo, sta slab spanec in težave s financami. V vsakodnevnem življenju se sogovorniki srečujejo z velikimi tveganji, vendar se z njimi preveč ne obremenjujejo, je pa njihov največji strah biti odvisen od pomoči drugih ljudi. Udeleženci imajo dobro socialno mrežo, znotraj katere so vselej deležni pomoči, v največji meri so to njihovi najožji družinski člani ali sosedje


stari ljudje;staranje;potrebe;skupnostna oskrba;vsakodnevno življenje;kakovostna starost;socialno delo s starimi ljudmi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Publisher: [M. Kovše]
UDC: 159.922.63:364.65
COBISS: 51464707 Link will open in a new window
Views: 311
Downloads: 80
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The ageing process and the needs of older people in the municipality of Zreče
Secondary abstract: In my mastersʹ thesis, I research community aging. In the theoretical part, I present age and aging, services, programs and organizations that contribute for better aging, and I also present the needs in age period. I also describe the concept of social work with older people and define the concept of community social work. I highlight an represent the issue of aging of the entire population and present the statistics on aging for the municipality of Zreče. In my research work, I am focusing on the needs of the older people in the municipality of Zreče and explore what types of assistance are already available in the area. In this part, I also present my qualitative research based on a group interview. The purpose of the research is to obtain results that will serve the municipality of Zreče primarily as a basis for planning a concept in the direction of improving the situation of older people in this area.The results will also be able to improve and strengthen existing services. The research will also be presented at one of the meetings of the committee " Older people friendly municipality of Zreče". I have found that the lifestyles of the interlocutors are quite different: some live more calmly, others a little less. They need help especially with physical tasks and coping with modern technology. The interlocutors also want more socializing with people and better financial support. The most important thing for the interlocutors is good health and socializing with others. Participants accept the age period positively and have a good opinion of age. The main problems that the interlocutors face are poor sleep and financial problems. In everyday life, the interlocutors face risks all the tme, but they do not burden themselves too much with them, and their greatest fear is to depend on the help of other people. Participants have a good social network, within which they always receive help, mostly from their closest family members or neighbors.
Secondary keywords: elderly;ageing;needs;community care;social work with older people;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za socialno delo
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (127 str.))
ID: 12410055