doktorska disertacija
Jasna Fedran (Author), Bojan Dobovšek (Mentor), Matevž Bren (Co-mentor)


Naš osnovni namen v sklopu kvalitativnega in kvantitativnega raziskovanja je bil ugotoviti, kateri najpomembnejši dejavnik je vzročno pomembno povezan z načrtom integritete, proučiti njegov vpliv na načrt integritete in poiskati razlog za razlike v postopkih zavezancev pri načrtu integritete, zlasti ob njegovi prvi implementaciji, s tem pa podrobneje proučiti in raziskati ta aktualni mehanizem za preprečevanje korupcije. V okviru kvalitativnega raziskovanja sta bila zastavljena dva cilja in postavljeni dve raziskovalni vprašanji, ki sta izhajali iz ciljev. V sklopu prvega cilja in prvega raziskovalnega vprašanja je bilo ugotovljeno, da 8,39 odstotka zavezancev načrta integritete ni implementiralo v okviru zakonsko določenega roka, kot ključni razlog za to je bila ugotovljena kadrovska preobremenjenost ali kadrovski primanjkljaj v organizaciji. V sklopu drugega cilja je bilo ugotovljeno, da so bili pri implementaciji načrta integritete uspešnejši zavezanci na državni ravni, v primerjavi z zavezanci na lokalni ravni. V sklopu drugega raziskovalnega vprašanja je bilo ugotovljeno, da je načrt integritete smiseln, smotrn, koristen in nujen preventivni protikorupcijski ukrep, a so bila ob tem podana tudi priporočila za njegovo izboljšanje, ki so bila na pobudo Komisije za preprečevanje korupcije RS predstavljena funkcijskim strokovnim nosilcem in vodstvu Komisije, ob tem so bila v nadaljevanju večinoma upoštevana. Tudi za kvantitativno raziskovanje sta bila zastavljena dva cilja. V sklopu prvega cilja so bili ugotovljeni statistično značilni povezanost, vpliv in razlike med spremenljivkami, kot so integriteta organizacije, načrt integritete, demografski in drugi podatki. V sklopu drugega cilja so bili pridobljeni odgovori na vprašanja, na katera med predhodno raziskavo nismo prejeli odgovorov, in odgovori, ki so dodatno potrdili rezultate, pridobljene v predhodni raziskavi. Postavljeni so bili tudi glavno raziskovalno vprašanje, osem raziskovalnih vprašanj in osem izvedenih hipotez. V sklopu glavnega raziskovalnega vprašanja je bilo ugotovljeno, da stopnja integritete organizacije vpliva na sprejetost in ponotranjenje vsebine načrta integritete, vendar ta ni bila razlog za neuspešno implementacijo načrtov integritete nekaterih zavezancev v Sloveniji v letu 2012. Naša prva hipoteza je bila, da sta integriteta organizacije in načrt integritete statistično značilno povezana ali da med njima obstaja pozitivna statistično značilna korelacija. Druga hipoteza je bila, da integriteta organizacije statistično značilno vpliva na načrt integritete. Tretja hipoteza je bila, da izmed demografskih in drugih podatkov na načrt integritete statistično značilno najbolj vpliva integriteta organizacije. Četrta hipoteza je bila, da v načrtu integritete obstajajo statistično značilne razlike med zavezanci na lokalni in državni ravni. Peta hipoteza je bila, da je integriteta organizacije statistično značilno vplivala na razloge za nepravočasno sprejetje načrtov integritete (do roka 5. 6. 2012). Šesta hipoteza je bila, da je z vidika demografskih podatkov na razloge za nepravočasno sprejetje načrtov integritete (do roka 5. 6. 2012) statistično značilno najbolj vplivala raven organizacije. Sedma hipoteza je bila, da so med razlogi za nepravočasno sprejetje načrtov integritete (do roka 5. 6. 2012) statistično značilne razlike med zavezanci na lokalni in državni ravni. Zadnja, osma hipoteza pa je bila, da med pravočasnostjo sprejetja načrtov integritete (tj. do roka 5. 6. 2012) in ravnjo organizacije obstaja statistično značilna povezanost ali (so)odvisnost. Hipoteze so bile preverjene z multivariatnimi statističnimi metodami. Prva hipoteza je bila preverjena s faktorsko analizo, druga z regresijsko in SEM-analizo, tretja, peta in šesta hipoteza z regresijsko analizo, četrta z diskriminantno analizo, sedma s t-testom in osma hipoteza s hi-kvadrat testom. Na podlagi rezultatov izvedenih analiz so bile vse hipoteze, razen pete, potrjene.


integriteta;načrti;modeliranje strukturnih enačb;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: [J. Fedran]
UDC: 172:343.352(497.4)(043.3)
COBISS: 48118019 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1528
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The Integrity Plan as a Means of Corruption Prevention in the Republic of Slovenia
Secondary abstract: The basic intent of this qualitative and quantitative study was to point to the significant factor that is causally related to the integrity plan, to determine its impact on the integrity plan, and to find the reason underlying the differences in registrars’ approaches and procedures in elaborating the integrity plan, particularly during its first implementation, and thereby provide for a detailed study and analysis of the actual corruption prevention mechanism. To achieve this, we applied a quantitative method, an integrity plan registrars’ survey. The basis hypothesis of the qualitative and quantitative research was that the interviewees were simultaneously integrity plan trustees. The most important limitations were the lack of relevant literature and the absence of any previous integrity plan studies. Within the scope of the qualitative research, two goals were set, leading to two research questions derived and operationalized therefrom. As regards the first goal and research question, we found that 8.39 per cent of the registrars failed to implement their integrity plans by the legally stipulated deadline, justifying their failures with understaffing (in terms of quantity and quality). As regards the second goal, we found that, compared to local integrity plan registrars, the integrity plan registrars on the state level were more successful in the implementation of their integrity plans. As to the second research question, we found that the integrity plan is a sensible, purposeful, useful and necessary preventive anti-corruption measure. However, certain recommendations for its improvement were also made and, following the initiative by the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption of the Republic of Slovenia, presented to the Chief Commissioner, the Head of the Investigation and Oversight Bureau, and the Head of Integrity Projects Service and her professional team and largely taken into account. As to the quantitative aspect of the research, another two goals were set. Within the scope of the first one, statistically significant and important correlations, impact, and differences between variables were found, referring to organizational integrity, the integrity plan, as well as to demographic and other data. Within the scope of the second goal, we acquired the responses to those questions that remained unanswered during the preliminary research and the responses that further confirmed the results obtained in the preliminary research. This section also includes the main research question, eight research questions and eight hypotheses derived thereof. As to the main research question, it was found not only that the organizational integrity level affects acceptability and internalization of integrity plan contents, but also that this was not the reason/cause for the failed integrity plan implementation by some registrars in Slovenia in 2012. The first hypothesis was that organizational integrity and its integrity plan are statistically significantly/importantly correlated or that there exists, between the two, a positive statistically significant/important correlation. The second hypothesis claimed that organizational integrity statistically significantly/importantly correlates with the integrity plan. The third one was that, among demographic and other data, it is organizational integrity that has the most statistically significant/important impact on the integrity plan. The fourth hypothesis was that in the integrity plan there are statistically significant/important differences between registrars on the local level and those on the state level. The fifth hypothesis was that organizational integrity statistically significantly correlates with the reason for untimely adoption of integrity plans (with reference to the first deadline, June 5th, 2012). The sixth one, referring to the first adoption deadline (June 5th, 2012), was that, in respect of demographic data, it is the organizational level that statistically most
Secondary keywords: Korupcija;Disertacije;Preprečevanje;Slovenija;
Type (COBISS): Doctoral dissertation
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: XIII, 448 str.
ID: 12414311