diplomsko delo
Boštjan Vidmar (Author), Dominika Gornik Bučar (Reviewer), Miran Merhar (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu smo v sodelovanju z izbranim podjetjem zasnovali in izdelali rezkalno orodje za izdelavo utora na okenskem okvirju. Pri snovanju smo upoštevali zahteve, opisane v standardu DIN EN 847-1. Zunanje dimenzije orodja smo določili glede na tehnološke zahteve, ostale parametre pa smo določili na podlagi standarda in lastnosti izbranega rezalnega materiala. V procesu izdelave smo surovec obdelali v končni profil, izdelali štiri pazduhe za izmet odrezkov ter nalotali rezalne ploščice iz hitroreznega jekla. Nosilno telo smo v postopku hladnega bruniranja zaščitili pred kemičnimi vplivi okolice. V zadnji fazi smo orodje strojno uravnotežili po standardu ISO 1940-1. Pri tem smo izmerili začetni višek mase 1,05 g na obodu orodja, ki pa se je po uspešnem uravnoteženju zmanjšal na 0,0598 g, kar ustreza razredu uravnoteženja G 6,3. Na koncu smo na orodje vgravirali še zahtevane oznake, kot so proizvajalec, dimenzije orodja, maksimalna vrtilna hitrost, vrsta rezalnega materiala in način podajanja obdelovanca.


rezkanje;rezkalno orodje;obdelava lesa;uravnoteženje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [B. Vidmar]
UDC: 630*823.1
COBISS: 48747267 Link will open in a new window
Views: 439
Downloads: 73
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Design and production of wood and wood composites milling tool
Secondary abstract: In the diploma thesis a grooving milling tool has been designed and manufactured in collaboration with the selected company, where the tool design complied with the requirements described in the DIN EN 847-1 standard. The external dimensions of the tool were determined according to the technological requirements, while other parameters were based on the related standard and the characteristics of the selected cutting material. In the manufacturing process, the milling tool was machined into a final profile, four gullets were made and high-speed steel blankets were soldered. The body of the tool was protected from the chemical influences of the environment in the process of cold burnishing. In the last phase, the tool was balanced according to the ISO 1940-1 standard. An initial excess mass of 1.05 g was measured at the periphery of the tool, which, after successful balancing, was reduced to 0.0559 g, corresponding to the balancing class of G 6.3. Finally, the required markings such as the manufacturer, dimensions of the tool, maximum rotational speed, type of cutting material and feeding type were engraved on the tool.
Secondary keywords: milling;cutting tool;wood processing;balancing;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za lesarstvo
Pages: IX, 38 f.
ID: 12425924