diplomska seminarska naloga
Maja Hostnikar (Author), Andrej Vovko (Mentor)


Diplomska seminarska naloga nosi naslov Gradovi na slovenskem Štajerskem skozi čas in problem izginjanja kulturne dediščine na primeru falskega gradu. Razdelila sem jo na dva dela. V prvem, teoretičnem delu, sem se lotila gradov, večjih in manjših na območju slovenske Štajerske oziroma v SV Sloveniji. V tem delu lahko spremljamo, kaj se je z gradovi dogajalo v preteklosti, takrat ko so bili na vrhuncu svojega razcveta, ko so delovali kot vojaške utrdbe in kot najpomembnejše gospodarsko, upravno, kulturno in socialno središče nekega kraja ali mesta. Okoli njih ali pod njimi so nastajala naša mesta, kraji, vasi. Gradovi so v svoji preteklosti usmerjali in določali življenje ljudi, ki so živeli na njem ali v njegovi okolici. Število gradov se je večalo, stavbe so dograjevali in opremljali v duhu tistega časa, tako so danes tisti, ki so se ohranili, pomemben vir preteklosti mnogim zgodovinarjem in drugim raziskovalcem. Na samem začetku se dotaknem tudi lastništva gradov in namena njihove uporabe v zgodovini. Žal skozi nadaljnja poglavja lahko spremljamo žalostno pot teh nekdaj veličastnih stavb. V naslednjih poglavjih se lotevam tematike, kaj se je z gradovi zgodilo skozi čas, poskušam odgovoriti na vprašanje, kaj je povzročilo njihov propad, uničenje in pri nekaterih tudi popoln zaton v pozabo. O gradovih v zadnjih stoletjih ni veliko podatkov. Za čas od nekje 17. do 20. stoletja so podatki bistveno bolj skopi kot za čas zgodnjega srednjega veka. Podatki postanejo nekoliko bolj zgovorni znova okoli leta 1945, po drugi svetovni vojni. V nadaljevanju sem se odločila nekoliko pobliže predstaviti grad v moji neposredni bližini, grad Fala. Po pogovoru z sokrajani sem ugotovila, da grad zelo slabo poznajo, tako njegovo preteklost kot sedanjost. Sama menim, da je to narobe, zato sem se odločila, da s tem delom nekako s podatki v strnjeni obliki nekoliko približam grad tistim, ki bi jih morebiti zanimal, a niso vedeli, kje bi podatke dobili. Dejansko sem črpala podatke iz zelo različnih sekundarnih virov, jih dopolnjevala in usklajevala, saj je o gradu Fala malo napisanega. Sploh za čas od 15. stoletja dalje. Grad tudi danes še vedno, kljub temu da se obnavlja, oživlja z raznimi vsebinami, ki jih predstavljam v poglavju Grad Fala danes, nekako ne najde poti do tukajšnjih ljudi ali bolje rečeno oni do njega. In morda bo moje delo nekoliko pomagalo tudi tukaj. Grad Fala je skozi zgodovino skoraj propadel, v 20. stoletju ga je zob časa že precej načel, kar zadeva zidove, tla, strope, streho, omete. Nov lastnik se zadnjih pet let trudi z obnovo, vendar se mu tukaj na pot postavlja veliko ovir in vprašanje je, kako se bo pot gradu nadaljevala. Moj namen je, da poudarim pomen kulturne dediščine za narod. Temu sem se posvečala tudi v empiričnem delu diplomske seminarske naloge. Tukaj sem najprej izvedla intervju z lastnikom gradu Fala, Milanom Slavičem, kjer sva se osredotočila zlasti na načrte, ki jih ima z gradom, na njegov pogled na grad in pomen le-tega za okoliške prebivalce. Spregovorila sva o težavah, s katerimi se sooča pri obnovi. Tukaj ni mogel mimo Zavoda za kulturno dediščino Republike Slovenije, ki žal deluje po predpisih, ki večkrat zavirajo kot pa spodbujajo obnovo naših kulturnih spomenikov. Njihove zahteve po navadi terjajo velike finančne vložke v papirje, medtem ko bi ta denar lahko šel že za samo delo na gradu. Drugi del empiričnega dela diplomske seminarske sem posvetila anketnemu vprašalniku, izvedenemu med okoliškimi prebivalci gradu Fala. Tukaj me je zanimal predvsem odnos ljudi do gradu in nasploh do naše kulturne dediščine. Kaj jim pravzaprav pomeni, je po njihovem mnenju smiselno ohranjati te materialne ostanke, ki jih je zapustila preteklost, in če da, zakaj. Z analizo tega vprašalnika bom potrdila ali pa zavrgla hipoteze, ki sem si jih zastavila na začetku naloge.


gradovi;grad Fala;kulturna dediščina;diplomske seminarske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [M. Hostnikar]
UDC: 930.85(497.4-18)(043.2)
COBISS: 18827016 Link will open in a new window
Views: 957
Downloads: 77
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The title of the graduation thesis is The castles in the Slovenian region Styria through the centuries and the problem of disappearing of cultural heritage in the case of the castle Fala. It is divided into two parts. The first part is theoretical. It talks about castles, bigger and smaller, in the Slovenian region Styria, or the north-eastern part of Slovenia. In that part it is seen what was happening with the castles in the past, in times when they were at the top of their boom, when they were functioned like military fortifications and when they were the most important economical, cultural, administration and social centres of a town. Our towns and villages arose around them and under them. In the past the castles guided the life of the people who lived in the castle or its surroundings. The number of the castles has risen. The buildings were upgraded and equipped in the spirit of that time. So the castles which are retained nowadays are important source of the past for many historians and other researches. At the beginning the thesis talks also about ownership of the castles and what was the purpose of their use in the history. In the further section the sad way of those buildings, which were magnificent in the past, are shown. In the further section the thesis talks about the topic, of what happened with the castles through the centuries. We try to answer the questions, what things caused their collapse, destruction and in some cases even decline into oblivion. There are not many dates about the castles in the last centuries. The dates from 17th to 20th centuries are more miserly than for times of early middle ages. There we can find more dates again around the year 1945, after the Second World War. In continuation the thesis talks about the details about the castle Fala that lies in my proximity. After communicating with people who live in my neighbourhood I realized that they have a very little knowledge about that castle. They do not know much about its past and its present. My opinion is that this is wrong, so this is the reason for my decision to give some important dates to those people who are interested in that castle but they did not have possibilities to find out dates about it. Dates come from very different secondary sources. I supplemented and coordinated those sources because there are not much dates written about the Fala castle. Especially there are very little dates for it further than 15th century. Although the castle Fala is restored and there are many events nowadays inside it, it does not touch the people who live nearby. I hope that my thesis will help in this way. I talk about events in the castle in the chapter The castle Fala nowadays. Through the histories the castle Fala almost failed. In the 20th century it was in a very bad condition, for example walls, floor, ceilings, roof and plasters. The castle has the new owner who has restored it for the last five years but there are many barriers on his way so the question is what will happen with the castle in the future. My purpose is to stress the importance of cultural heritage for people. This is seen in the empirical part of the thesis. First, I interviewed the owner of the castle Fala, Mr. Milan Slavič. We were talking about the plans that are in his mind about the castle, how is the castle useful for people who live nearby, what is the meaning for them. He also told about difficulties that he has with restoration of the castle. He mentioned the institute for cultural heritage of republic Slovenia which operates under the regulations that inhibit the restoration of our cultural monuments instead of promoting it. It is sad. Renovators have to pay a lot of money for the "papers" for restoration. It will be better to spend that money for work (restoration) in the castle. Empirical part of the thesis is the questionnaire which was given to surrounding residents of the castle Fala, too. I wondered the relation of people about the castle Fala and about our cultural heritage in general. I asked them some questions: What do you think about castle.
Secondary keywords: Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za sociologijo
Pages: 169 f.
ID: 12512653