(diplomsko delo)
Špela Kuharič (Author), Vida Gönc (Mentor)


Menopavza je naraven proces, s katerim se soočijo ženske v času, ko je njihova vloga v družini, na delovnem mestu in v družbi zelo pomembna. Simptomi v tem obdobju predstavljajo velik izziv ter zahtevajo nove vsakdanje navade in prilagoditve, hkrati pa vplivajo na kakovost življenja in vrednotenje lastne zunanjosti. Namen zaključnega dela je ugotoviti, ali menopavza vpliva na telesno samopodobo žensk. Uporabljeni sta kvantitativna metodologija in deskriptivna oz. opisna metoda dela. Za raziskovalni del so bili podatki pridobljeni s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika. Sodelovalo je 50 naključno izbranih anketirank, ki so v obdobju menopavze. Rezultati so pokazali, da intenzivnost simptomov menopavze vpliva na nižjo telesno samopodobo žensk (18 %) ter da ne obstaja povezava med telesno samopodobo in odnosom s partnerjem, 96 % anketirank izpostavlja nespremenjen odnos ne glede na oceno zunanje podobe. Ugotovili smo, da telesna aktivnosti pozitivno vpliva na zunanjo samopodobo žensk (78 %). Predvidevamo, da na telesno samopodobo žensk vplivata intenzivnost menopavzalnih simptomov in fizična aktivnost. Z edukacijo o spremembah in simptomih prelomnega obdobja bomo omogočili večjo pripravljenost ženske populacije ter zmanjšali tveganje za pojavnost nezadovoljstva in nesprejemljive telesne predstave.


menopavzno obdobje;simptomi;samopodoba;fizična aktivnost;odnos s partnerjem;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [Š. Kuharič]
UDC: 612.662.9:159.922.23(043.2)
COBISS: 59607811 Link will open in a new window
Views: 423
Downloads: 98
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The Effect of Menopause on Women´s Body Image
Secondary abstract: Menopause is a natural process that women go through when their role in their family, at work, and in society is of great importance. During this period, the symptoms can be challenging, involving new everyday habits and demanding changes, while influencing the quality of life and the self-evaluation of the person’s image. The purpose of this thesis is to establish whether menopause influences women’s body image. The thesis uses quantitative methodology and the descriptive method of work. The data for the research part were gathered through a questionnaire filled out by 50 randomly chosen women going through menopause. The results showed that the intensity of menopausal symptoms influence a lower body image (in 18 %) and that there is no connection between body image and the relationship with the spouse: 96 % claimed the relationship remained unchanged regardless of their body image assessment. We discovered that physical activity positively influences women’s body image (in 78 %). We believe that women’s body image is affected by the intensity of menopausal symptoms and physical activity. By education women on the changes and symptoms of this turning point in life, they will be better prepared and the risk of dissatisfaction and unacceptable body image will be lower.
Secondary keywords: menopause;symptoms;body image;physical activity;relationship;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: IV, 34 f., 8 f. pril.
ID: 12524193