diplomsko delo
Jerneja Prvinšek (Author), Nevenka Gričar (Reviewer), Zorana Sicherl (Mentor)


Uvod: Prekomerna teža je stanje, do katerega privede nezdrav življenjski slog, posledica tega pa so težave na fizičnem in psihičnem področju. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil raziskati možne vplive prekomerne teže na vključevanje otrok in mladostnikov v njim pomembne okupacije in aktivnosti. Metode dela: Uporabljena je bila kvalitativna metoda – z desetimi posamezniki s povišano telesno težo je bil izveden polstrukturirani intervju. Podatki so bili analizirani s kvalitativno vsebinsko analizo. Rezultati: Otroci in mladostniki s prekomerno telesno težo imajo po navadi porušeno strukturo dneva in prehranjevalne ter gibalne navade. Med razloge za prekomerno telesno težo navajajo neprimerno količino nezdrave hrane, premalo gibanja in zdravstvene težave. V prostem času se po večini ukvarjajo s športnimi aktivnostmi, nekateri tudi z umetnostjo. Sodelujoči v raziskavi za krajšanje prostega časa uporabljajo sodobno elektroniko. Polovica uporabnikov se normalno sprejema in se v svoji koži počuti dobro, druga polovica pa ima s tem težave, počutijo se manj privlačne, v njihovi koži jim je neprijetno. Socializacijo jim predstavljajo sošolci in prijatelji, nekaterim pa tudi starši in ostali družinski člani. Manjši delež preiskovancev je bil iz družbe že izključen in bil deležen negativnih opazk in vzdevkov. Delu udeležencev v raziskavi njihova prekomerna telesna teža ne predstavlja nobene ovire in se normalno vključujejo v družbo. Pri nekaterih posameznikih pa lahko zaznamo samoizključevanje, saj se zaradi strahu pred opazkami drugih in zaradi neprijetnih občutkov pri izpostavljanju ne udeležujejo določenih aktivnosti. Razprava in zaključek: Približno polovica udeležencev doživlja stiske pri vključevanju v družbo bodisi zaradi stigmatizacije drugih bodisi zaradi samoizključevanja. Predvideva se, da naj bi se v prihodnosti pojav prekomerne telesne teže razširil, torej je to problem, s katerim bi se bilo treba bolj poglobljeno ukvarjati. Pri tem se kaže tudi možnost vloge delovnega terapevta, ki bi s poznavanjem mladostnika s prekomerno telesno težo in razumevanjem njegovega stanja sodeloval pri promociji zdravja in spodbujanju zdravih navad. Poleg tega pa bi lahko sodeloval pri načrtovanju zdravih obrokov, kot tudi pri oblikovanju strukture dneva, ki bi posamezniku omogočala zadostno količino gibanja in sodelovanja v družbi.


diplomska dela;delovna terapija;prekomerna telesna teža;vključenost v okupacije;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [J. Prvinšek]
UDC: 615.851
COBISS: 49880323 Link will open in a new window
Views: 576
Downloads: 158
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Engagement and participation of overweight adolescents in community
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Being overweight is a condition leading to an unhealthy lifestyle, resulting in problems in both the physical and mental areas. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis was to investigate the possible effects of overweight on the inclusion of children and adolescents in important occupations and activities. Methods of work: A qualitative method was used - a semi-structured interview was conducted with ten overweight individuals. Data were analyzed by qualitative content analysis. Results: Overweight children and adolescents usually have a disrupted daily structure, eating patterns and exercise habits. Reasons for being overweight include inappropriate amounts of junk food, lack of exercise and health problems. In their free time, they are mostly engaged in sports activities, some also in art. In their free time, the participants use modern electronics. Half of them feel accepted and good in their skin, while the other half face problems with acceptance; they feel less attractive and are uncomfortable in their skin. They socialize with classmates and friends, while some socialize with parents and other family members. A small portion of respondents had already been excluded from the social groups and had received negative remarks and nicknames in the past. For some participants in the research, their overweight does not pose any obstacles and they normally integrate into society. In some individuals, however, we can detect self-exclusion, as they do not participate in certain activities due to fear of exposer to negative observations from others leading to unpleasant feelings. Discussion and conclusion: About half of the participants experience difficulties in integrating into society either due to stigmatization of others or due to self-exclusion. It is anticipated that the phenomenon of overweight will spread in the future, a problem that needs to be addressed in more depth. This issue also shows the possibility of the role of an occupational therapist, who would participate in the promotion of health and the promotion of healthy habits by knowing the overweight adolescent and understanding their condition. In addition, they could participate in the planning of healthy meals, as well as in the design of the structure of the day, which would allow the individual a sufficient amount of movement and participation in society.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;occupational therapy;overweight;involvement in occupations;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za delovno terapijo
Pages: 24 str., [4] str. pril.
ID: 12528407
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