magistrsko delo
Klara Živko (Author), Tjaša Ivanc (Mentor)


Po novem je postopek za ugotovitev očetovstva urejen v Zakonu o nepravdnem postopku in v magistrskem delu bo predstavljen postopek glede procesnih določb. Postopek ugotovitve očetovstva se rešuje po nepravdnem postopku, saj so pravila v primerjavi s pravdnim postopkom bolj neformalna in tako prožnejša od pravil pravdnega postopka. Gre bolj za ureditev pravic, ki temeljijo na materialnih določbah s področja družinskega prava, interesi udeležencev niso vedno diametralno nasprotni in po navadi gre za oblikovanje pravnih razmerij med ljudmi, ki potem še naprej živijo skupaj. Vseeno pa je treba upoštevati procesna pravila, ki na podlagi temeljnih načel zagotavljajo varstvo človekovih pravic. Magistrsko delo obravnava splošne in posebne določbe postopka. Splošni del zajema temeljna načela postopka, določbe o stvarni in krajevni pristojnosti, določbe glede predloga, naroka ter vsebuje določila o rednih in izrednih pravnih sredstvih in stroške postopka. V posebnem delu pa najdemo posebne določbe, ki veljajo samo za posebne postopke, urejene po Zakonu o nepravdnem postopku. Ti instituti so v magistrskem delu podrobneje obravnavani. Pred sprejemom novega Zakona o nepravdnem postopku se je postopek za ugotovitev očetovstva reševal po pravilih pravdnega postopka, kjer je nakazana problematika glede ugotavljanja očetovstva, ko stranka ni privolila v analizo DNK. Prejšnja ureditev v tem primeru ni poznala prisilnih sredstev in je sodišče odločilo na podlagi drugih dokazov. Prav tako pravna ureditev ni poznala sodelovalne dolžnosti z izvedencem, ampak je na podlagi oviranja izvedenca pri delu sodišče odločilo, kakšen ima to pomen v pravdi. Sedanja ureditev pa v postopku za ugotovitev očetovstva vsebuje na novo dodano določbo o dolžnosti sodelovanja z izvedencem. V magistrskem delu so predstavljene prejšnja ureditev in nove določbe, ki se nanašajo na to sodelovalno dolžnost. Za takšno rešitev pa sta ključni dve pravici. Prva se nanaša na pravico moškega ugotoviti resnico o obstoju biološkega starševstva. Druga pa se nanaša na pravico otroka, da izve svoj izvor ter s tem ugotovi, kdo je njegov oče.


nepravdni postopek;neformalna pravila;ureditev družinskih razmerij;splošni instituti;pravdni postopek;analiza DNK;prisilna sredstva;izvedenec;sodelovalna dolžnost;pravica o obstoju biološkega starševstva;pravica otroka, da izve za svoj izvor;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [K. Živko]
UDC: 347.63(043.3)
COBISS: 53846275 Link will open in a new window
Views: 632
Downloads: 119
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Procedure for establishing paternity and the question of the duty to cooperate in evidence with an expert under znp-1
Secondary abstract: According to the new procedure for establishing paternity, it is regulated in the Non-litigious Procedure Act. The procedure regarding procedural provisions is present in the master's thesis. The procedure for establishing paternity is resolved through non-litigious proceedings, as the rules are more informal compared to civil proceedings and thus more flexible than the rules of civil proceedings. It is more a matter of regulating rights based on substantive provisions in the field of family law, and the interests of the participants are not always diametrically opposed, and it is usually a matter of forming legal relations between people who then continue to live together. However, it is necessary to follow procedural rules which, on the basis of fundamental principles, ensure the protection of human rights. The master's thesis deals with general and specific provisions of the procedure. The general part covers the basic principles of the procedure, provisions on substantive and territorial jurisdiction, provisions on the proposal, the hearing, and contains provisions on regular and extraordinary legal remedies and costs of the procedure. In the special part, we find special provisions that apply only to special proceedings regulated under the Non-litigious Procedure Act. These institutes are discussed in more detail in the master's thesis. Prior to the adoption of the new Non-litigious Procedure Act, the procedure for establishing paternity was resolved according to the rules of civil procedure, where is indicate the issue of establishing paternity when the client did not consent to the DNA analysis. The previous regulation in this case did not know coercive means and the court ruled on the basis of other evidence. Also, the legal regulation did not recognize the duty to cooperate with an expert, but on the basis of obstructing the expert's work, the court decided what this meaning meant in the lawsuit. However, the current regulation in the procedure for establishing paternity contains a newly added provision on the duty to cooperate with an expert. The master's thesis presents the previous regulation and the new provisions relating to this cooperative duty. However, two rights are crucial for such a solution. The first concerns the right of a man to establish the truth about the existence of biological parenthood. The second concerns the child's right to know his or her origin and thus to establish who his or her father is.
Secondary keywords: non-litigious procedure;informal rules;regulation of family relations;general institutes;litigation;DNA analysis;coercive means;expert;cooperative duty;right to the existence of biological parenthood;right of the child to know his/her origin;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 95 f.
ID: 12543461