magistrsko delo
Smiljan Lampret (Author), Mitja Truntič (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu sta opisana načrtovanje in izvedba tri faznega usmernika s korekcijo faktorja moči. Cilj je bilo stabilno delovanje pretvornika z uporabo zmogljivega digitalnega krmilnika TMSF28335 proizvajalca Texas Instruments, stikalne frekvence 20 kHz in obstoječo strojno opremo v laboratoriju v realnem času. S simulacijsko shemo v programskem okolju Matlab/Simulnik smo preverili delovanje sistema in nastavili parametre PI regulatorjev, ki smo jih nato uporabili pri realnem procesu. Programsko kodo smo napisali v programskem jeziku C. Sistem je sestavljen iz treh močnostnih modulov, od katerih vsak pretvarja tok in napetost ene faze. Močnostna karta skrbi za povezavo modulov s krmilniško karto, ki vsebuje DSP. Regulacijo smo izvedli s tremi PI regulatorji, za izhodno napetost in tokova v d in q oseh. Uporabili smo Clarkino in Parkovo transformacijo ter algoritem fazno zaključene zanke. Izvedeno je bilo vektorsko vodenje.


močnostna elektronika;pretvorniki;usmerniki;vodenje;digitalni signalni krmilniki;vektorska modulacija;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Publisher: [S. Lampret]
UDC: 621.314.6:681.515.4(043.2)
COBISS: 57325827 Link will open in a new window
Views: 394
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Three-phase PFC converter
Secondary abstract: The Master’s thesis describes the design and implementation of three-phase PFC converter. Goal was to achieve stable operation with the use of powerful TMSF28335 DSP (Digital Signal Processor) from Texas Instruments, switching frequency 20 kHz and existing hardware from laboratory controlled in real time. With a help of simulation performed in Matlab/Simulink environment we tested operation of the system and (set) adjusted parameters of PI regulators, which are later used on the real process. Programming was performed in C programming language. System consists of three power modules, where each converts the voltage and current of one phase. Three PI controllers, one for output DC voltage and two for currents in d and q axis, were used to perform the vector control. We used Clark and Park transformation and PLL algorithm. The space vector modulation was implemented.
Secondary keywords: power electronics;converter;rectifier;digital signal controller;control;space vector modulation;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Elektrotehnika
Pages: XIII, 73 f.
ID: 12545374
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