diplomsko delo
Katja Pijavec (Author), Sara Ahlin Doljak (Mentor)


V današnjem svetu lahko beležimo hiter razvoj in napredek človeštva, posledično pa se srečujemo s konfliktnimi situacijami. Trk idej in neenakih misli lahko privede do nasprotujočih si stališč. Vsaka družba mora poznati načine, kako ideje približati drugo drugi, hkrati pa razrešiti konflikte. Zaradi narave poslovanja tudi v gospodarstvu pogosto prihaja do nesporazumov in situacij, ki izdatno zmanjšujejo dobiček ali povzročajo izgubo. Poslovni svet se zaradi svoje narave nenehno spreminja, zato je pomembno, da se spori rešijo hitro in učinkovito. Gospodarskim subjektom je v interesu, da se tovrstne situacije rešujejo ekonomično ter tako dobiček usmerijo v razvoj posla. V zadnjem času je vse več pozornosti namenjene alternativnim metodam reševanja sporov, ki predstavljajo modernizacijo sodstva, zmanjšujejo sodne zaostanke in izboljšujejo dostopnost sodstva javnosti. Ena izmed alternativnih metod reševanja sporov je mediacija, ki je opredeljena kot postopek, v katerem stranke v sporu prostovoljno, s pomočjo tretje, nevtralne osebe poskušajo doseči skupno rešitev. Mediacija se uporablja tudi v gospodarstvu, kjer so za uspeh postopka ključne določene veščine in tehnike mediatorja. Odločilna pa sta prav tako teža konflikta in trajanje spora. Kot dejavniki za uspešnost mediacije štejejo cena, hitrost in neformalnost postopka. Kljub prednostim, ki jih mediacija ponuja, je sodišču pridruženih mediacij relativno malo in bi lahko z ozaveščanjem stroke dosegli rast števila alternativnih načinov reševanja sporov.


mediacija;alternativno reševanje sporov;mediacija v gospodarstvu;gospodarski spori;gospodarski subjekti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [K. Pijavec]
UDC: 347.965.42(043.2)
COBISS: 44901123 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3
Downloads: 1
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Today we can record the rapid development and progress of humanity, and as a result, we encounter conflict situations. A clash of ideas and unequal thoughts can lead to contradictory views. Every society needs to know ways to bring ideas closer to each other while resolving conflicts. Due to the nature of business, misunderstandings often occur in the economy as well, which significantly reduce profits and cause losses. The nature of business world is constantly changing, so it is important that disputes are resolved quickly and efficiently. It is in the interest of economic entities that such situations are resolved economically, and thus direct the profit to the development of the business. Recently, more attention has been paid to alternative dispute resolution methods, which represent the modernization of the judiciary, reduce court backlogs and improve the accessibility of the judiciary to the public. One of the alternative methods of resolving disputes is mediation, which is defined as a process in which the parties voluntarily, with the help of a neutral person, try to reach a peaceful solution to the dispute. Mediation is also used in the economy, where certain skills and techniques of the mediator are crucial for the success of the procedure. Price, speed and informality of the procedure are considered as elements of the mediation success. Despite the advantages that mediation offers, there are relatively few court-affiliated mediations and we could increase the number of alternative ways of resolving disputes by raising the awareness of the profession.
Type (COBISS): Final reflection paper
Thesis comment: Fak. za državne in evropske študije / Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 30. 12. 2020;
ID: 12553408