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Blaž Meznarčič (Author), Ana Kučan (Mentor)


Posestvo Klevevž je bilo nekoč eno pomembnejših upravnih središč freisinške škofije. Osrednji grad je bil konec II. svetovne vojne požgan in kasneje večkrat miniran, danes pa nanj pričajo zgolj skromne ruševine. Ohranile so se le kmetijske površine in večji del gospodarskih objektov nad prebojno sotesko potoka Radulje in na ravnici ob njej. Območje je, poleg elementov kulturne dediščine, prepleteno s številnimi naravnimi vrednotami, med katerimi izstopajo naravni termalni vrelci in edinstveni jamski sistemi. Zaradi razmaha »nenadzorovanega« turizma, rastoče kmetijske dejavnosti, klavrnega stanja osrednjega dvorišča in velikega interesa vpletenih, se naloga ukvarja s prostorsko in programsko prenovo posestva, ki bi temu razvrednotenemu območju vrnila nekdanjo prepoznavnost in edinstveno identiteto. Porušeni objekti oz. razvaline se v predlogu prenove uporabijo kot del parkovne opreme, bolje ohranjeni gospodarski objekti pa se obnovijo in manjkajoči deli rekonstruirajo v sodobnem slogu in materialih. Rešitev predlaganega prenovljenega posestva je poljavni prostor, v katerem bi različni programi soustvarili posebne ambiente in edinstveno prostorsko izkušnjo.


krajinska arhitektura;kulturna krajina;kulturna dediščina;krajinska ureditev;naravne vrednote;Klevevž;ruševine;parki;termalni izviri;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [B. Meznarčič]
UDC: 712.2:711.1:338.483.13(497.4Klevevž)(043.2)
COBISS: 54075651 Link will open in a new window
Views: 583
Downloads: 139
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Renovation concept of the Klevevž estate
Secondary abstract: The Klevevž estate was once one of the most prominent administrative centres of the Freising diocese. The once proud estate castle was burned and blasted multiple times at the end of WWII and nowadays only modest ruins remain. Not everything was destroyed though, as agricultural land is still maintained, and on the plateau above the Radulja gorge old outbuildings can still be found. In addition to elements of cultural heritage, the area is intertwined with outstanding natural values – like unique cave systems and natural hot springs. Present day factors such as increasing agricultural activites, unsupervised visitor access and dilapidation of old estate buildings together with poor condition of the central courtyard are among the drivers contributing to further degradation of the area's cultural value. The objective of this project is therefore to propose a comprehensive spatial and thematic makeover of the estate which would reinstate some of the property's former recognition. The proposal calls for the dilapidated structures and ruins to be implemented as part of the park funiture and to reconstruct the buildings still in good condition by using contemporary materials and approaches. The project proposes the creation of an estate with a semi-public space that enables a unique spatial experience within a dedicated ambiance.
Secondary keywords: landscape architecture;cultural landscape;cultural heritage;natural values;Klevevž;ruins;parks;hot springs;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za krajinsko arhitekturo
Pages: XIII, 74 str., [11] str. pril.
ID: 12554604
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