magistrsko delo
Nika Grašič (Author), Klement Podnar (Mentor)


Delovno mesto posameznika predstavlja pomemben del njegove identitete. Živimo namreč v času, ko se meje med poslovnim in osebnim vse bolj brišejo, ko domače okolje postaja naša pisarna in ko se spremembe pri delu odvijajo iz dneva v dan. Zato se zdi še toliko bolj pomembno podrobno razumevanje vzročno-posledičnih povezav, ki so del naše delovne rutine, in tistih, ki vodijo v naše delovne ter za nekatere tudi življenjske uspehe. Zadovoljstvo z življenjem namreč pogosto povezujemo tudi z zadovoljstvom na delovnem mestu, slednje pa, kot se je izkazalo tudi pri mojem raziskovanju, intuitivno povezujemo z uspešnostjo nas, zaposlenih. Magistrsko delo je tako nastalo z namenom raziskati, ali posameznikovo zadovoljstvo na delovnem mestu vpliva na njegovo delovno uspešnost. Prvi del magistrskega dela nudi teoretični pregled obeh konstruktov in odkrite ovire pri njunem povezovanju ter medsebojnem vplivu. V namen podrobnejšega razumevanja odnosa med obema spremenljivkama je bila opravljena tudi kvantitativna raziskava, v kateri je sodelovalo 226 respondentov, ki svoje trenutno delo opravljajo že vsaj tri mesece. Kljub dejstvu, da zadnjih nekaj desetletij beležimo pestro zgodovino študij na tem področju, to še vedno ponuja veliko možnosti za nadaljnje raziskovanje in podrobnejše razumevanje odnosa med posameznikovim zadovoljstvom na delovnem mestu in njegovo delovno uspešnostjo.


zadovoljstvo na delovnem mestu;uspešnost zaposlenih;odnos do dela;vedenje zaposlenih;Magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [N. Grašič]
UDC: 331.101.32(043.2)
COBISS: 52577795 Link will open in a new window
Views: 397
Downloads: 152
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The impact of employee job satisfaction on job performance
Secondary abstract: We can agree that today the job stands as an important part of our identity. We live in a time when the boundaries between business and personal are becoming increasingly blurred. Home is daily transforming into our office space and changes are taking place constantly. Therefore, it seems even more important to have a detailed understanding of the cause-and-effect relationships that are part of our work routine and those that lead to our work, and for some also life, successes. Namely, we often associate life satisfaction with job satisfaction, and the latter, as it turned out in my research, is intuitively associated with the performance of us as employees. The aim of this master's thesis is to research an employee job satisfaction effectiveness on his work performance. The first part of the master's thesis offers a theoretical overview of both constructs and discovered obstacles in their impact. In order to better understand the relationship between the two variables, a quantitative survey was placed, in which 226 respondents participated. Despite the fact that the last few decades have seen a diverse history of studies in this field, it still offers opportunities for further research and a more detailed understanding of the impact of employee job satisfaction on job performance.
Secondary keywords: job satisfaction;job performance;work attitudes;employee behavior;Zadovoljstvo na delovnem mestu;Job satisfaction;Zaposleni;Employees;Delovno okolje;Work environment;Master's theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 62 str.
ID: 12554608