(diplomsko delo)
Patricija Lupša (Author), Majda Pajnkihar (Mentor), Danica Železnik (Co-mentor)


Komunikacija je eno izmed področij človekovega vedenja in zato tudi bistveni element nudenja zdravstvene oskrbe. Z vidika nudenja zdravstvene nege komuniciramo, da negujemo, skrbimo, dajemo informacije, pomirjamo paciente, svojce, tolažimo, da zmanjšamo strah in stres, da vprašujemo in odgovarjamo na vprašanja. Diplomsko delo obravnava komunikacijo z vidika patronažne medicinske sestre. Predstavljena so teoretična izhodišča in elementi komunikacije z vidika različnih profesionalnih vlog patronažne medicinske sestre v odnosu do razumevanja same sebe, pacienta, svojcev in sodelavcev. Poudarek smo dali tudi na vzpostavitvi terapevtskega odnosa. Pogovor med medicinsko sestro in pacientom ne sme biti monolog ampak dialog. Metoda: Raziskava, je potekala med patronažnimi medicinskimi sestrami iz Zdravstvenega doma Dr. Adolfa Drolca Maribor. Podatke smo pridobili z delno strukturiranimi vprašalniki.V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 50 naključno izbranih patronažnih medicinskih sester. Uporabili smo neekspirimentalno-kvantitativno metodo raziskovanja. Rezultati so prikazani v obliki tabel in grafov. Rezultati: Rezultati ankete so pokazali, da se večina patronažnih medicinskih sester zaveda pomembnosti pravilne komunikacije s sodelavci in pacienti. Večina jih meni, da znajo dobro in pravilno komunicirati, v procesu komuniciranja s pacienti pa so pozorne tako na verbalno kot na neverbalno komunikacijo, zavedajo se, da mimika, gibi, geste in dejanja lahko povedo več, kot pa beseda. Vzpodbudni so rezultati raziskave, da zelo redko prihaja do konfliktov med patronažno medicinsko sestro in pacienti. Za glavni vzrok nastanka konflikta pa so navedle neupoštevanje navodil in nasvetov. Prav tako pa patronažne medicinske sestre poznajo izraz terapevtska komunikacija in se trudijo, da na takšen način komunicirajo s pacienti. Zanimivo pa je, da se zelo malo zanimajo za strokovno literaturo s področja komunikacije v zdravstveni negi. Zaključek: Na podlagi analize anketnega vprašalnika smo zaključili, da se večina patronažnih medicinskih sester zaveda pomembnosti pravilne in dobre komunikacije ter ohranjanja pozitivnih medosebnih odnosov.


komunikacija;patronažna zdravstvena nega;patronažne medicinske sestre;pacienti;terapevtska komunikacija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [P. Lupša]
UDC: 616-083:614.2
COBISS: 1475492 Link will open in a new window
Views: 5692
Downloads: 1288
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Starting point: Communication is one of the area of human behavior, and therefore also an essential element of the provision of health care. In terms of providing health care we communicate to care, to provide for, give the information, calm patients and relatives, we console to reduce fear and stress, ask and respond to the questions. Diploma work deals with the communication of the medical aspect of health visitor nurses. There are presented theoretical positions and elements of communication from the perspective of different professional roles of health visitor nurses in relation to the understanding of themselves, the patient, their relatives and colleagues. We gave stress to the restoration of therapeutic relationship. The conversation between the nurse and the patient must not be a monologue but a dialogue. Method: Thesis presents the results and findings of the research that has taken place between the health visitor nurses in home health Dr. Adolfa Drolc Maribor. Empirical data were obtained on the basis of research questions, which responded to 50 randomly selected health visitor nurses. We used nonexperimental-quantitative method of research. We obtained data statistically treated and presented in the form of tables and graphs. Results: The results showed that the majority of health visitor nurses are aware of the importance of regular communication with colleagues and patients. Most of them believe that they can make good and proper communication but in the process of communicating with patients they also pay attention to verbal and non-verbal communication and aren aware that mimics, movements, gesturs and actions can tell more than words. Encouraging are the results of the research that very rarely comes to conflict between the nurse and the patient. As the main cause of the emergence of the conflict however, said ignoring the instructions and advice. Also health visitor nurses are familiar with the term therapeutic communication and are trying to communicate in this way with patients. It is interesting to note that very little are interested in the professional literature in the field of communication in health care. Conclusion: Based on the analysis of the inquiry questionnaire, we concluded that the majority of health visitor nurses are aware of the importance of correct and good communication and the maintenance of positive interpersonal relationship.
Secondary keywords: communication;health visitor care;health visitor nurse;patient;therapeutic communication;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: IV, 84 f.
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;medical sciences;medicina;pathology;clinical medicine;patologija;klinična medicina;treatment;zdravljenje;applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;medical sciences;medicina;public health and hygiene;accident prevention;javno zdravje in higiena;preprečitev nesreč;public and professional organization of health;javna in poklicna organizacija zdravstva;
ID: 12581