magistrsko delo
David Obrovnik (Author), Robert Potokar (Mentor)


Tema magistrskega dela izhaja iz realne potrebe po vzpostavitvi ponovne povezave med dvema postindustrijskima območjema v Pragi, in sicer za območje Holešovic na severnem bregu ter območje Karlína na južnem bregu reke Vltave. Ta problem delno že rešuje nov občinski prostorski plan Prage, ki načrtuje izgradnjo novega mosta – Rohanský most, ki bi omogočal prometno povezavo, izgradnjo nove stanovanjske soseske na območju Rohanskega ostrova in ureditev nabrežja Vltave z novim zelenim parkom. Projektna naloga se osredotoča na zasnovo novega kulturnega centra in njegovega vplivnega območja, ki bi območju vrnil življenje in predstavljal središčni center oziroma »kulturni most« med obema okrožjema, za učinkovito in kakovostno preživljanje prostega časa. Objekt je definiran kot središče sodobne in urbane ustvarjalnosti v Pragi, namenjeno glasbenim, plesnim, gledališkim, eksperimentalnim, debatnim, literarnim in drugim dogodkom. Mešanje različnih umetniških sektorjev bo pripomoglo k večjemu medgeneracijskemu srečevanju in druženju. Idejna zasnova novega centra kulture predvidi tudi ureditev njegovega ožjega vplivnega območja – otoški park in rečno nabrežje reke Vltave.


Praga;kulturni center;urbani park;Vltava;kultura;arhitektura;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Publisher: [D. Obrovnik]
UDC: 711.558-16+727.012(043.2)
COBISS: 57417731 Link will open in a new window
Views: 674
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Conceptual design of cultural centre in Prague
Secondary abstract: The topic of the thesis is based on the real need to reconnect two post-industrial areas in Prague. It is an interaction between Holešovice district on the north bank and Karlín district on the south bank of the Vltava River. The latter problem is already partially solved by the new Prague Municipal Spatial Plan, which plans to build a new bridge - the Rohanský Bridge, which would allow traffic connections, the construction of a new residential neighborhood in the Rohanský Ostrov area and the regulation of Vltava’s waterfront by establishing a new green park. The project focuses on the establishment of a new cultural center and its influential area, which would bring life back to the area and on the establishment of a new centre or “cultural bridge” between the two districts, for efficient and quality leisure. The facility would be defined as the center of contemporary and urban creativity in Prague for music, dance, theater, experimental use, debate, literary and other events. Mixing different artistic sectors would help increase intergenerational encounter and socializing. The conceptual design of the new cultural center also envisages the arrangement of its narrower area of influence - the island park and the river embankment of the Vltava.
Secondary keywords: Prague;cultural centre;urban park;Vltava;culture;architecture;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo, Arhitektura
Pages: IX, 124 str.
ID: 12583854
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