diplomsko delo
V kvalitativni raziskavi na temo Socialna omrežja in konstrukcija identitete med mladimi sem prikazal mnenje mladih o uporabi socialnih omrežij. V teoretičnem delu sem se lotil ključnih tematik za mojo raziskavo. Opisal sem pojem identitete skozi poglede različnih avtorjev, saj konsenza o enotnem pojmu še ni. Identiteto posameznika se namreč določi skozi različne dejavnike, kot so način komunikacije, pogled družbe oziroma prijateljev na posameznika, način oblačenja, vedenja ipd. V teoretičnem delu sem nekaj besed spregovoril tudi o mladih v povezavi s kreiranjem osebnosti oziroma identitete. Za konec pa sem opredelil še pojem virtualne identitete in pa seveda socialnih omrežij. Skozi vprašanja, ki sem jih zastavil intervjuvancem, pa sem dobil njihovo mnenje o tem, kako socialna omrežja vplivajo na zgoraj omenjene dejavnike, ki imajo vpliv na kreiranje identitete. Osredotočil sem se na mlade, ki spadajo v starostno skupino med 17 in 24 let, pri tem pa moram poudariti, da sem se odločil za to starostno skupino, ker sem želel pridobiti tudi podatke o tem, kaj so socialna omrežja pomenila nekoč, torej ko so jih začeli uporabljati. Na ta način je razvidno, kaj je tisto, kar jih je vodilo v uporabo socialnih omrežij, na drugi strani pa kaj je tisto, kar jih še vedno privlači na socialnih omrežjih. Ugotovil sem, da je tisto glavno, kar jih pritegne na socialnih omrežjih, socializacija in svoboda znotraj neskončnih možnosti samoprezentiranja, zabave itd. Veliko intervjuvancev pa uporablja socialna omrežja tudi za namen študija. Pri predlogih sem se osredotočil predvsem na povezavo moje raziskave s socialnim delom. Glavni predlog je predvsem ta, da je naloga socialnih delavcev, da pri raziskovanju sveta uporabnika upoštevajo tudi socialna omrežja. To pomeni, da je njihova naloga, da ozaveščajo mlade o njihovih nevarnostih in jih hkrati usmerijo v za mlade koristne vsebine. Če je bilo torej v zadnjih letih veliko govora o tem, da mladi preživijo preveč časa na socialnih omrežjih, je to zdaj postala nova normala. Fokus bo torej potrebno usmeriti v varno in pravilno uporabo socialnih omrežij, saj je po mojem mnenju že prepozno, da bi mlade odvračali stran od njih. Sploh če upoštevamo dejstvo, da mladi pri uporabi socialnih omrežij vidijo veliko pozitivnih lastnosti.
socialna omrežja;identiteta;socialno delo;socializacija;mladi;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2021 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UL FSD - Faculty of Social Work |
Publisher: |
[M. Mirt] |
UDC: |
316.472.4:004.774.1-053.6 |
Views: |
430 |
Downloads: |
161 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Social networks and identity construction among young people |
Secondary abstract: |
In a qualitative research about Social Networks and the construction of identity among young people, I presented the opinion of young people about using social networks. In the theoretical part, I presented key topics about my research. I have described the concept of identity through the views of different authors, as there is no consensus on a single concept yet. The identity of an individual is determined through various factors, such as the way of communication, the view of society or friends on the individual, the way of dressing, behaving, etc. In the theoretical part, I also spoke a few words about young people in connection with the creation of personality or identity. Finally, I defined the concept of virtual identity and, of course, social networks. Through the questions I asked the interviewees, I got their opinion on how social networks influence the above-mentioned factors that affect identity creation. I focused on young people who belong to the age group between 17 and 24 years. I chose this age group because I also wanted to get information about what social networks once meant, that is, when they started using them. In this way, it is clear what has led them to use social networks, and on the other hand, what still attracts them to social networks. I have found that the main thing that attracts them to social networks is socialization and freedom within the endless possibilities of self-presentation, fun, etc. However, many interviewees also use social networks for the purpose of studying. In the proposals, I focused mainly on the connection of my research with social work. The main proposal would be that the task of social workers is focus on social networks when researching the user's world. This means that their task is to make young people aware of their dangers and to direct them to content that would be useful for young people. So if there has been a lot of talk in recent years about young people spending too much time on social media, this has now become the new norm. The focus will therefore be on the safe and proper use of social networks, as in my opinion, it is too late to discourage young people from them. Especially if we take the fact that young people see a lot of positive qualities when using social networks. |
Secondary keywords: |
social networks;youth;social work;identity;socialization; |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
0 |
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): |
1970-01-01 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za socialno delo |
Pages: |
1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (107 str.)) |
ID: |
12612103 |