diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Silva Vodlan (Author), Marko Ferjan (Mentor)


Živimo v času, ko si ljudje razmišljamo kako bi čim lažje in čim hitreje zaslužili in si tako zagotovili čim bolj kvalitetno življenje. Kvaliteto življenja mnogi cenijo le po materialnih dobrinah, mnogo premalo poudarka pa dajo na duhovne dobrine. Ena najpomembnejših dobrin je družina, saj te napolnjuje z energijo in ti vliva moč za delo, kljub temu, da gre vse ostalo narobe. V diplomski nalogi sem najprej opredelila iskanje zaposlitev in sicer način iskanja in metode iskanja zaposlitve. Pri metodah iskanja zaposlitve sem opredelila pasivno in aktivno iskanje zaposlitev. Nadaljevala sem z pomenom družine in pravicami staršev, ki so zakonsko določene. Ti dve temi sem povezala z podnaslovoma družini prijazno podjetje in usklajevanje družinskega in poslovnega življenja. Glavno področje diplomske naloge temelji na raziskavi in sicer sem celotno raziskavo delila na moške in ženske anketirance. Pri raziskavi sem želela preveriti naslednje hipoteze: - Ali med starostjo moških in časom iskanja zaposlitve obstaja povezanost - Ali med starostjo žensk in časom iskanja zaposlitve obstaja povezanost - Ali med izobrazbo moških in časom iskanja zaposlitve obstaja povezanost - Ali med izobrazbo žensk in časom iskanja zaposlitve obstaja povezanost - Ali med izobrazbo partnerja moških in časom iskanja zaposlitve obstaja povezanost - Ali med izobrazbo partnerja žensk in časom iskanja zaposlitve obstaja povezanost - Ali med številom otrok moških in časom iskanja zaposlitve obstaja povezanost - Ali med številom otrok žensk in časom iskanja zaposlitve obstaja povezanost - Ali med starostjo najmlajšega otroka moških in časom iskanja zaposlitve obstaja povezanost - Ali med starostjo najmlajšega otroka žensk in časom iskanja zaposlitve obstaja povezanost Ugotovila sem, da družina ima vpliv na iskanje zaposlitve, saj je zaslediti korelacijo med številom otrok in časom iskanja zaposlitve ter korelacijo med starostjo najmlajšega otroka in časom iskanja zaposlitve.


iskanje zaposlitve;kariera;družina;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Kranj
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [S. Vodlan]
UDC: 331.5
COBISS: 6812691 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2096
Downloads: 194
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: We live in times when people think about how to as easily and quickly earned it and thus ensure the best quality of life. Quality of life of many people appreciated only by material goods, much too little emphasis is placed on the spiritual goods. One of the most important property is the family, as this fills you with energy and strength to instil work, despite the fact that everything else goes wrong. In this thesis I first identified through a job search method of searching and job search methods. In the job search methods I define passive and active job search. I proceeded to the importance of family and parental rights, which are statutory. These two themes I have linked to the subtitled family-friendly company and reconciling family and professional life. The main scope of this work is based on the research, I divided the whole study on male and female respondents. In my research I wanted to test the following hypotheses: • Do men between age and time to seek employment there is a connection • Do women between age and time to seek employment there is a connection • Does the education of men and time to seek employment there is a connection • Does the education of women and the time to seek employment there is a connection • Does the education partner, men and time to seek employment there is a connection • Does the education of women partners and the time to seek employment there is a connection • Does the number of male children and the time to seek employment there is a connection • Does the number of children women and the time to seek employment there is a connection • Are between the age of youngest child and the time for men to seek employment there is a connection • Are between the age of the youngest child of women and the time to seek employment there is a connection I found that the family has an impact on job searching, it is observed the correlation between the number of children and job search time and the correlation between the age of youngest child and the time to seek employment.
Secondary keywords: Job Search;Career;Family;The rights of parents;Balancing work and family life;Family-Friendly Company;Correlation;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 62 f.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;economics;economic science;ekonomija;ekonomske vede;labour;employment;work;labour economics;organization of labour;delo;zaposlovanje;sindikati;labour market;employment;trg delovne sile;trg dela;zaposlovanje;zaposlenost;
ID: 12618
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