diplomsko delo
Neja Intihar (Author), Marko Novak (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu je predstavljen institut strahu kot oblika pravno priznane nepremoženjske škode. Strah je močna negativna čustvena reakcija na določeno zunanjo nevarnost. Pravo strah definira kot afekt oziroma kratkotrajno in intenzivno čustveno stanje, ki ga spremljajo različni pojavi. Deli ga na primarni in sekundarni strah. Primarni strah se pojavi ob telesni poškodbi, kadar je človekova celovitost ogrožena, medtem ko sekundarni strah izvira iz telesne ali duševne poškodbe, kar pomeni, če telesne ali duševne poškodbe ni, tudi ni sekundarnega strahu. Njegova vsebina je načeloma strah pred izidom zdravljenja, pred bolečinami med zdravljenjem itd. Pomembno je tudi vprašanje, kako pravo obravnava pravico do odškodnine posrednih oškodovancev. Če okoliščine primera, zlasti stopnja in trajanje strahu, to opravičujejo, je oškodovanec upravičen tudi do pravične denarne odškodnine za strah, katere pravica izhaja iz 179. člena Obligacijskega zakonika. Pojem pravične denarne odškodnine za nepremoženjsko škodo je pravni standard. Tehtanje, kateri znesek ustreza pravični denarni odškodnini v konkretnem primeru, je opredelitev tega pravnega standarda. Tisti, ki o tem odloča, pravzaprav ustvarja pravo za konkreten primer. Na takšen način je omogočena kar največja individualizacija prava, saj vsebina pravnega standarda ni vsebovana v pravni normi, temveč se oblikuje v vsakem obravnavanem primeru posebej. Z denarno odškodnino naj bi se posamezniku zagotovilo zadoščenje (satisfakcija), ki ustreza teži in obsegu pretrpljene škode.


strah;nepremoženjska škoda;primarni strah;sekundarni strah;pravična denarna odškodnina za strah;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [N. Intihar]
UDC: 342(043.2)
COBISS: 51699971 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2
Downloads: 1
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The thesis presents the institute of fear as a form of legally recognized non-pecuniary damage. It is a strong negative emotional reaction to a certain external danger. Law defines real fear as affect or a short-term intense emotional state accompanied by various physical phenomena. It divides it into primary and secondary fear. Primary fear occurs with injury of the body when a person%s integrity is compromised, while secondary fear arises from physical or mental injury, which means that if there is no physical or mental injury, there is no secondary fear. In principle, secondary fear is the fear of the outcome of treatment, pain during treatment, etc. If the circumstances of the case, in particular the degree and duration of the fear, justify it, the injured party is entitled to fair monetary compensation for the fear, which right derives from Article 179 of the Code of Obligations. The concept of fair monetary compensation for nonpecuniary damage is a legal standard. Weighing which amount corresponds to fair monetary compensation in a particular case is the definition of this legal standard. The one who decides on this is actually creating the law for a specific case. In this way, the greatest possible individualisation of law is enabled, as the content of the legal standard is not contained in the legal norm, but is formed in each case separately. Monetary compensation is intended to provide the individual with satisfaction commensurate with the severity and extent of the The thesis presents the institute of fear as a form of legally recognized non-pecuniary damage. It is a strong negative emotional reaction to a certain external danger. Law defines real fear as affect or a short-term intense emotional state accompanied by various physical phenomena. It divides it into primary and secondary fear. Primary fear occurs with injury of the body when a person%s integrity is compromised, while secondary fear arises from physical or mental injury, which means that if there is no physical or mental injury, there is no secondary fear. In principle, secondary fear is the fear of the outcome of treatment, pain during treatment, etc. If the circumstances of the case, in particular the degree and duration of the fear, justify it, the injured party is entitled to fair monetary compensation for the fear, which right derives from Article 179 of the Code of Obligations. The concept of fair monetary compensation for nonpecuniary damage is a legal standard. Weighing which amount corresponds to fair monetary compensation in a particular case is the definition of this legal standard. The one who decides on this is actually creating the law for a specific case. In this way, the greatest possible individualisation of law is enabled, as the content of the legal standard is not contained in the legal norm, but is formed in each case separately. Monetary compensation is intended to provide the individual with satisfaction commensurate with the severity and extent of the damage suffered.The thesis presents the institute of fear as a form of legally recognized non-pecuniary damage. It is a strong negative emotional reaction to a certain external danger. Law defines real fear as affect or a short-term intense emotional state accompanied by various physical phenomena. It divides it into primary and secondary fear. Primary fear occurs with injury of the body when a person%s integrity is compromised, while secondary fear arises from physical or mental injury, which means that if there is no physical or mental injury, there is no secondary fear. In principle, secondary fear is the fear of the outcome of treatment, pain during treatment, etc. If the circumstances of the case, in particular the degree and duration of the fear, justify it, the injured party is entitled to fair monetary compensation for the fear, which right derives from Article 179 of the Code of Obligations. The concept of fair monetary compensation for nonpecuniary damage is a legal standard. Weighing which amount corresponds to fair monetary compensation in a particular case is the definition of this legal standard. The one who decides on this is actually creating the law for a specific case. In this way, the greatest possible individualisation of law is enabled, as the content of the legal standard is not contained in the legal norm, but is formed in each case separately. Monetary compensation is intended to provide the individual with satisfaction commensurate with the severity and extent of the damage suffered.damage suffered.
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fakulteta
Source comment: Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 15. 2. 2021;
Pages: 52 str.
ID: 12628672