diplomsko delo
Petra Kožuh (Author), Stojan Kostanjevec (Mentor), Martina Erjavšek (Co-mentor)


Otroci se učijo s posnemanjem in najprej posnemajo svoje starše oziroma skrbnike, šele nato vrstnike in pomembne druge. Prav zaradi tega je zelo pomemben odnos staršev in pomembnih drugih do prehrane in življenja nasploh. Od prehrane je odvisno, kako zdrav bo otrok in pozneje odrasel posameznik. V raziskavi smo proučevali odnos staršev do prehrane predšolskega otroka. Cilj je bil ugotoviti njihov odnos do zdrave prehrane ter raven uporabe različnih spodbud pri prehranjevanju, vključno z nagradami in kaznimi. Nadalje nas je zanimalo, v kolikšni meri so med uživanjem hrane prisotni televizija, mobilni telefoni, tablice in druge oblike motivacije. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 549 staršev, od tega 519 mater in 30 očetov, ki so izpolnili vprašalnik, sestavljen izključno za našo raziskavo. Ugotovili smo, da se starši zavedajo pomena zdrave prehrane, uživanja rednih obrokov in tega, da s hrano ni dobro nagrajevati otrok. Kljub temu starši pogosto spodbujajo svoje otroke k določenemu vedenju z obljubo sladkarij. Pri starših je treba okrepiti zavedanje o tem, kako pomemben je njihov odnos do prehrane. Pomembno je, da otroci sodelujejo pri pripravi hrane, saj se tako poveča verjetnost, da bodo otroci jedli bolj raznoliko in uravnoteženo hrano.


zdrava prehrana;odnos do prehranjevanja;prehranske navade;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [P. Kožuh]
UDC: 373.2:613.22(043.2)
COBISS: 55309315 Link will open in a new window
Views: 281
Downloads: 30
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Parents attitude towards child nutrition
Secondary abstract: Children learn by means of imitation, whereby the first imitations are those of their parents or guardians, only then imitations of peers and significant others take place. This is why the attitude of parents as well as the attitude of significant others towards nutrition and life in general is very important. How healthy a child, and later an adult, will be depends greatly on the diet. The thesis examines the attitude of parents towards nutrition of a preschool child. The aim was to determine parents’ attitude towards healthy eating of their child and the extent to which various stimulations are used by parents, including rewards and penalties. The thesis further focuses on the extent to which television, mobile phones, tablets and other forms of motivation are present during food consumption. The study included 549 parents, of which 519 mothers and 30 fathers, who completed a questionnaire compiled exclusively for the purposes of the present study. The results show that parents are aware of the importance of a healthy diet and regular meals, as well as of the fact that it is not good to reward children with food. Nevertheless, parents often encourage their children to certain behaviors with the promise of being rewarded with candies. Parents need to be made more aware of the importance of their attitude towards nutrition. It is important that children participate in food preparation, since this may increase the chances that children will eat more varied and balanced foods.
Secondary keywords: pre-school child;nutrition;parents;predšolski otrok;prehrana;starši;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: 101 str.
ID: 12653325