magistrsko delo
Maša Rozman (Author), Valentina Schmitzer (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo obravnava sortiment okrasnih rastlin v poljavnih prostorih v okolici hotelov v Prekmurju. V zunanjih hotelskih ureditvah se prepletajo okrasne, ekološke in prostotvorne funkcije nasadov, ki pa zaradi postopnega širjenja in dograjevanja pogosto delujejo neusklajeno in ne predstavljajo značaja kraja. Po pregledu literature za izbor rastlin v poljavnih prostorih in geografskih značilnosti regije smo opravili več ogledov terena in popisali rastline na območju. S pomočjo popisa smo izdelali tlorise in inventarizacijske karte vegetacije posameznih območij. Podatki o pogostosti rastlin so bili statistično obdelani v programu Microsoft Excel. Rezultati kažejo na prevladujočo skupino drevnine v poljavnih ureditvah ob hotelih v Prekmurju. Ta se pojavljajo na parkiriščih in v parkovnih ureditvah hotelskih parkov. V hotelskih parkih prevladujejo avtohtone drevesne vrste; predvsem na parkiriščih. Ob sprehajališčih in ob vhodih v hotele so avtohtone rastline redko posajene. Pestrost sajenja ni pogojena s kategorijo hotela. Podatki so pokazali, da so najbolj pestro urejene okolice hotelov kategorije 4 zvezdic. Ob sprehajališčih prevladujejo grmi, večinoma tujerodni. S pomočjo analize podatkov lahko izluščimo primerne rastlinske vrste za ozelenjevanje posameznih prostorov v poljavnih prostorih ob hotelih v Prekmurju, ki so lahko uporabne kot smernice za nadaljnje nasade.


sortiment;okrasne rastline;poljavni prostor;hoteli;Prekmurje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [M. Rozman]
UDC: 635.92:712.253:711.557(497.4-11)(043.2)
COBISS: 59088387 Link will open in a new window
Views: 325
Downloads: 48
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Assortment of ornamental plants in semi-public spaces of hotels in Prekmurje region
Secondary abstract: The Master thesis focuses on the assortment of ornamental plants in semi-public spaces around hotels in the Prekmurje region. Ornamental, ecological and spatial-forming functions of plantings are uncoordinated because of the gradual and continuous expansions and seldom represent the character of the town. After literature review on the selection of plants in semi-public spaces and the geographical distinctions of the region several field surveys were performed in order to identify the plants in the designated area. With the help of these listings we drew inventory maps of vegetation for each area. The data, which show plant frequency, were statistically processed in Microsoft Excel program. The results point at the predominant group of trees in semi-public areas around hotels in the Prekmurje region. These occur in parking areas and in planting arrangements in hotel parks. In hotel parks indigenous tree species predominate and they are most frequent on parking areas. Indigenous vegetation is rarely planted at the promenades and open park areas or main entrances. Planting diversity is not conditioned with the hotel category - results have shown that the most diverse planting arrangements can be found near 4-star hotels. Non-indigenous bushes prevail in promenades. With combined data analysis we can extract the suitable plant species for landscaping various areas in semi-public spaces around hotels in Prekmurje, which can serve as guidelines for further plantings.
Secondary keywords: assortment;ornamental plants;semi-public spaces;hotels;Prekmurje region;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za agronomijo
Pages: IX, 44 f., [3] f. pril.
ID: 12671650