magistrsko delo
Digitalizacija danes predstavlja velik del življenja. Populacija se čedaljebolj modernizira in usmerja svojopozornostv napredne tehnologije in udobje tako doma kot v poslovnem svetu. Z razvojem tehnologij postaja konkurenca na trgu vedno večja, kar pomeni, da nezadostuje zgolj prisotnost na spletu. Za prepoznavnost, opaznost in uspešnost je treba vključiti tudi digitalni marketing, čas in denar.
Če povzamemo, je digitalni marketing promocija izdelkov, storitev in blagovne znamke s pomočjo uporabe elektronskih naprav ali interneta. Digitalni marketing uporablja več kanalov in tehnologij, ki organizaciji omogočajo analizo kampanj, vsebine in strategij, iz katerih je mogočerazbrati, ali določena strategija deluje, je uspešna oziroma kje so njenepomanjkljivosti. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela smo najprej opredelili pojem spletna trgovina, določili razlike med klasično in spletno trgovino, opisalivrste spletnih trgovin in kaj definira uspešne spletne trgovine. Izpostavilismo tudi varnost spletne trgovine. Prav tako smo opredelili digitalni marketing in njegov razvoj. Preverilismo, kakšne digitalne strategije in kanale poznamo ter kakšne so prednosti in slabosti digitalnega marketinga v primerjavi s klasičnim.
V praktičnem delu magistrskega dela smo pozornost namenili orodjem digitalnega marketinga.Ker je to široko in hitro rastoče področje, smo se osredotočili na poznana in bolj priljubljena orodjaspodročja optimizacije, e-poštnega marketinga, analitike, družbenih omrežij in orodij, namenjenih grafičnemu oblikovanju. Optimizacija spletnih strani je pomembna, saj je brez nje podjetje slabše vidno v brskalnikih, kar posledično prinaša slabši promet. Obstajajo orodja, kot so SEMrush, Google SearchConsole in Moz, ki pripomorejo k izboljšanju optimizacije. Na področju e-poštnega marketinga izstopajo orodja MailChimp, MailerLite, Hubspot in SendInBlue, primerjava med njimi pa prikazuje, katero je primernejše za kateri tip podjetja.Na področju analitike smo primerjali Matomo in Google Analytics.Predstavili smo tudi družbena omrežja in ugotovili, da obstaja veliko orodij za njihovo lažjo uporabo.Osredotočili smo se na orodja HootSuite, Buffer, Sporut Social in Creator studio ter jih primerjali med seboj. Upoštevali smo tudi grafično podobo fotografij, podjetja in blagovne znamke, kjer nam lahko pomagajo orodja, kot so Canva, Crello in Piktochart.
digitalni marketing;elektronsko poslovanje;spletna trgovina;orodja;marketinška strategija;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2021 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business |
Publisher: |
N. Lipovšek |
UDC: |
339.13:004 |
Views: |
485 |
Downloads: |
145 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
ǂThe ǂimpact of digital marketing tools on online shopping websites |
Secondary abstract: |
We're living in a time of digitalisation. Population is modernizing more and more each passing day, shifting focus to advanced technologies while striving for comfort. Both in private and business life. Advances in digital technology, are making competition on business markets tougher than ever. Being present online is no longer enough. In order to be noticed, recognized and successful, incorporation of digital marketing, time and money is necessary, if not essential.
In summary, digital marketing is product, services and brand promotion using electronic devices, most commonly, the Internet. It channels and technologies, enabling companies to analyse marketing campaigns, content and strategies, to provide better understanding on marketing success and spotting bottlenecks.
In the theoretical part of the master's thesis, we first properly defined term webstore, determined differences between land-based shop and webstore, analysed what makes a webstore successful and listed its types. We followed by taking a look at webstore security mechanisms, defined digital marketing and its evolution. Lastly, we presented most common digital marketing strategies and channels, and compared its advantages and disadvantages, with classic marketing.
In the practical part of the master's thesis we worked with digital marketing software, focusing on most acclaimed and popular tools for optimization, e-mail marketing, web analytics, social networks and graphical design. We found that website optimization is crucial for exposing businesses to various search engines, making webstores more visible and reachable. SEMrush, Google SearchConsole and Moz were the tools we used for studying webstore optimization. For e-mail marketing, MailChimp, MailerLite, Hubspot and SendInBlue are the leading tools. By comparing them with each other, we determined which suits best for specific business type. In the field of web analytics, we examined Google Analytics and Matomo, which are two of the most feature rich tools on the market. We presented the role of social media in digital marketing in depth. We concluded that there’s a wide variety of tools, aiming to simplify and ease the process of creating content for social media. HootSuite, Buffer, Sporut Social and Creator Studio are the ones we compared. Lastly, we conducted a research of platforms for graphics design. We found Canva, Crello and Piktochart to work well, when creating graphics for social media, posters, presentations or other visual content |
Secondary keywords: |
digital marketing;digital marketing tools;marketing strategy;Google;SEO;optimization;e-mail marketing;webstore; |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak. |
Pages: |
V, 67 str. |
ID: |
12685855 |